‘Yaren’ the stork said goodbye to Uncle Adem.

In Bursa, the stork ‘Yaren’, who has won the hearts of millions with the friendship he has built with fisherman Adem Yılmaz for 13 years, has left with his mate from Eskikaraağaç. Every spring, after returning from migration, he settles into his nest in the Eskikaraağaç neighborhood of the Karacabey district and …

‘Yaren’ the stork said goodbye to Uncle Adem.
Publish: 28.08.2024

In Bursa, the stork named ‘Yaren’, which has won the hearts of millions with the friendship established with fisherman Adem Yılmaz for 13 years, has left Eskikaraağaç with its mate.
Every spring, upon returning from migration, Yaren the stork settles into its nest in the Eskikaraağaç neighborhood of the Karacabey district, and the villagers have named it ‘Yaren’. Throughout the summer, Yaren and its mate were guests on fisherman Adem Yılmaz’s boat. Every migration season for the past 13 years, Yaren the stork has been a guest on Adem Yılmaz’s boat, and on August 26, it set off on its migration.
Adem Yılmaz, who said that as a habit, he checks Yaren’s nest when he returns home, stated, “Yaren the stork arrived on March 5. It laid eggs 3-4 months after arriving, and 2 months later, the chicks hatched. It migrated on August 26. It comes every March and leaves in August. This year there were 4 chicks, but we lost 3 of them. We raised 1 chick, and we sent that chick off to migrate 1 month ago. The young storks leave the village 1 month before their mother, who also leaves on August 26. Our friendship with Yaren has lasted for 13 years. I returned to my village from Bursa in 2011. While fishing on the boat, Yaren suddenly landed on my boat. I fed it fish to fill its stomach. The next morning, it came again while I was fishing, and because I constantly fed it, I got it used to me. It was never easy. Because storks are very wild animals, they need to be treated well. I made it my friend without scaring it or frightening it, and we became companions. It has become like my child. It was sad for them to leave this year. We have to get used to it because it happens every year. I hope we will meet again in March; that’s all I wish for. Every time I come home, I check its nest out of habit; we have gotten very used to each other.”
Abdullah Hızlı, the headman of Eskikaraağaç village, stated that Yaren is the pride of Turkey, saying, “Yaren the stork has contributed to the promotion of our village, its economic development, and has taken on the role of promoting this beauty of our country. ‘Yaren’ has become our advertising brand. Many visitors come from abroad and outside the province. Yaren’s nest can be watched live 24/7 through the camera system established by the Karacabey Municipality. If there is any issue in the nest, those following it inform us.”
Veli Şeker, who came after watching Yaren’s documentary, said, “We came to see Yaren the stork, but it migrated 2 days ago, and we missed it. I found Eskikaraağaç village very beautiful; I liked it a lot. I had seen the documentary about Yaren the stork and Uncle Adem, which made me curious.”

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