KARADENİZBİRLİK announced the pre-purchase price for sunflower: 19 thousand TL per ton.

The Black Sea Oilseed Seeds Agricultural Sales Cooperatives Union (KARADENİZBİRLİK) announced the ‘pre-purchase’ price for oilseed sunflowers as 19 thousand lira/ton. While the sunflower harvest continues at full speed across the country, the headquarters located in Samsun…

KARADENİZBİRLİK announced the pre-purchase price for sunflower: 19 thousand TL per ton.
Publish: 27.08.2024

The Black Sea Oilseed Agricultural Sales Cooperatives Union (KARADENİZBİRLİK) announced the ‘pre-purchase’ price for oilseed sunflower as 19 thousand lira/ton.

While sunflower harvesting continues at full speed across the country, KARADENİZBİRLİK, whose headquarters is in Samsun, announced the new season’s sunflower ‘pre-purchase’ price. Last year, the union paid producers 12 thousand 700 lira per ton, and this season, the pre-purchase price has been set at 19 thousand lira per ton.

Target of 35 thousand tons purchase

General Manager Ünal Erarslan announced that the Board of Directors of KARADENİZBİRLİK has set the sunflower pre-purchase price at 19 thousand lira per ton for this season, stating, “Due to the drought this year and the decrease in planting areas, the regional yield has dropped by about 30 percent. Our union’s Board of Directors has made maximum efforts in favor of producers under the current conditions and has set the sunflower pre-purchase price at 19 thousand lira per kilogram. Our target as a union is to purchase approximately 35 thousand tons of product.”

“We are the producers’ insurance”

Erarslan drew attention to the fact that the price announced by the union is a ‘pre-purchase price’ and stated, “KARADENİZBİRLİK will also make price difference payments within the changing market conditions. KARADENİZBİRLİK continues to regulate the market in favor of producers and to be an insurance for producers with the price it has announced.”

“Support for oilseeds”

Recalling that a large portion of Turkey’s oilseed needs is still met from abroad, Ünal Erarslan stated, “The existing oilseed production potential of our country should be increased in a stable and sustainable manner. For this, it is necessary to increase the support premiums paid by the government, expand irrigation opportunities, and implement encouraging practices. We wish our new product pre-purchase price to be beneficial for our producers and Turkish agriculture.”

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