Get the most up-to-date information about the weather and forecasts. Meteorological data, temperature predictions, and weather analyses are available here!
As suddenly hitting Kastamonu, hailstorm affects the city, while the power of nature and impressive views astonish the viewers. Click for details!
According to the warning issued by the General Directorate of Meteorology, there will be scattered rain showers in your region soon! Take precautions for your safety.
The sudden rain in Bursa caught the citizens unprepared. Those who encountered the unexpected rain were bewildered. Heavy rain continues in Bursa.
Find out the weather forecast in advance with the reliable predictions and analyses of meteorologist Yusuf Ziya Yavuz. Seasonal forecasts and meteorological information for the upcoming days are here!
Be careful due to expected rainfall in Konya and its surroundings! Meteorology is warning. Click here for details.
The impact of heavy rainfall and hail in Elazığ has caused serious damage in the city. The local people in the region have suffered greatly following the natural disaster.
Rainy weather continues in Samsun. Enjoy the rainy days, keep your umbrella ready. Click here for weather details!
Find out the weather forecast nationwide in Turkey and the weather in major cities. Daily weather forecasts and meteorological information here!
Meteorologist Mehmet Özdemirci's daily weather forecast and weather analysis. Detailed weather report for today and the upcoming days here!