With the approach of winter months, there is a significant activity in stove sales, while tradesmen repairing stoves cannot find workers to work for a daily wage of 1,000 TL. As the cold weather begins to affect Gaziantep, many people are ...
With the weather getting colder in Erzincan, experts have warned citizens to be careful about carbon monoxide poisoning due to the use of wood, stoves, and natural gas, stating that stove poisoning occurs in homes where chimney cleaning is done...
In Gaziantep, where the weather temperature has reached 40 degrees in recent days, Kaleoğlu Cave, known as a natural air conditioner with an average temperature of 15 degrees, is attracting the attention of both local and foreign tourists. While the outside temperature is scorching at 40 degrees, those inside the...
In Bahçesaray, winter signifies a challenging period with harsh weather conditions. This content delves into the winter landscapes and life in Bahçesaray in detail.