The Erzincan ACAR Youth Club, consisting of volunteer students within EBYÜ, has reached the final stages of establishing the ACAR Search and Rescue Youth and Education Association. The founding president, Ferhat Kılıçlı, stated that the work on the bylaws and management has been completed...
UEDAŞ Search and Rescue Team successfully passed the accreditation exam required to operate within the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management System, in accordance with the accreditation system initiated by AFAD. In 2021, in the electricity distribution sector ...
Personnel from the Presidency of Religious Affairs and volunteers from the Turkey Diyanet Foundation (TDV) conducted a disaster training exercise at the simulation center located within the Ankara Governorship's Provincial Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate. The Disaster and Emergency Management Authority's ...
In Denizli, theoretical and practical 'Search and Rescue in Earthquakes' training was provided to the personnel of the Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate by the TDV Search and Rescue Team. The 'Search and Rescue in Earthquakes' training was conducted by the TDV Denizli Search and Rescue Team for the personnel...
The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) organized the 'Humanitarian Aid Exercise-2024' to be able to conduct search and rescue operations and activities in disasters and emergencies in a coordinated manner with public institutions. The distinguished observer day of the exercise...
Teachers working under the Provincial Directorate of National Education in Denizli were given 'Search and Rescue in Earthquakes' training. Theoretical and practical training on 'Search and Rescue in Earthquakes' was provided to teachers working under the Provincial Directorate of National Education by the search and rescue team of the Directorate...
CBRN drills and AFAD's training activities play an important role in emergency management and disaster preparedness. These efforts aim to enhance the safety and preparedness of the community.
The biomimetic smart snake-like robot BIYROT 01 is a robot prototype developed inspired by nature. It stands out with its flexible structure and intelligent movements.
Discover the thrilling adventure story 'The Disappearance of the Old Man'. Get ready to unravel the secrets behind the mysterious disappearance.