After President Ömer Günel took office, the Kuşadası Municipality has increased its projects in the field of social municipalism threefold, providing various supports to students throughout the year in different areas. The Kuşadası Municipality has ...
The mayors and council members who came to Kuşadası to attend the regular council meeting of the Union of Natural Cities in October visited the natural beauties of the city along with cultural, art, and education centers with Mayor Ömer Günel.
Kuşadası Municipality has taken action to find a definitive solution to the odor problem related to the stream running through the city center. The open stream, which is under the authority of the State Water Works (DSI) and the Aydın Water and Sewerage Administration General Directorate (ASKI)...
Kuşadası Municipality has started to provide weekly nutritional support to children aged 6-14 from low-income families living in the city, for the new educational year. The distribution by the teams of the Social Assistance Department has begun.
Turkey's holiday paradise Kuşadası hosted a record number of visitors during the last 9-day holiday period, just like every year. The city welcomed approximately 2 million local and foreign tourists during the Eid al-Adha holiday, thanks to the efforts of Kuşadası Municipality...