The "International Student Meeting" held in Kocaeli was a vibrant event. During the event, foreign students showcased their countries through traditional dance performances and cuisine. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality welcomed students coming to the city from their countries...
As part of the "Neighborhood Public Disaster Preparedness Training" project conducted in Kocaeli, a 2-day practical training was held in Başiskele. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality continues to raise disaster awareness in the community. In this context, Kocaeli University ...
The new term training has started at the Traffic Education Park in Kocaeli, which provides children with a real traffic environment. The Traffic Education Park, which operates under the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Department, continues its training...
The first harvest of grapes produced with the support given to farmers in Kocaeli has begun. The grapes, known for their unique taste and flavor, have also brought joy to the producers. With the support of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, in Izmit Kulfallı, Arızlı, and Akpınar...
Yalçın Sönmez, the owner of Kobi Efor Industrial and Economic Magazine and the President of Alikahya Organized Industrial Zone, has passed away due to a bowel disease he fought for 6 months. Sönmez was buried at Ümraniye Kocatepe Cemetery after the afternoon prayer...
The 470 Youth World Sailing Championship held in Kocaeli witnessed the fierce competition of 74 sailors from 14 countries. The Turkish Sailing Federation, hosted by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and Darıca Municipality, took place at Kocaeli Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate.
Kocaeli's 9 blue flag public beaches are waiting for holidaymakers with their clean sea and surroundings. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, with its environmental investments, offers Kocaeli residents and citizens from neighboring provinces the opportunity to enjoy the pristine seas at blue flag beaches...
The 16th Sekapark Golden Belt Oil Wrestling tournament, which will bring together more than 1,700 wrestlers, is starting tomorrow in Kocaeli. Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality is excited to host another major sports event nationwide. Every year, Kocaeli ...
The 39th city celebration, which has become a tradition in Kocaeli, was held with a high participation. People of all ages came together to embrace each other, while a common message was delivered for all nations who have suffered genocide. Kocaeli Governorship, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and Kocaeli...
With the warming of the weather in Kocaeli, snakes have started to be seen in residential areas. Cüneyt Özer, the General Secretary of the Kocaeli Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons, stated that snakes have started mating and feeding in nature, and advised those who go for a walk in the forest...
Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tahir Büyükakın met with the young athletes from Kağıtspor and said, "You have made us proud. You have successfully represented our city and country in national and international competitions you have participated in, waving our flag ...".
The preservation and importance of historical artifacts exhibited in museums in Kocaeli. Learn about the efforts made to preserve the cultural heritage that spans from the past to the present day.
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