With the recent operations carried out by security forces that revealed counterfeit honey, consumers are concerned. Mehmet Yanar Devecioğlu, a beekeeper from Aydın, explains the differences between fake and real honey to inform consumers when purchasing honey.
Selim Alpaydın, a traveling beekeeper from Kumru district of Ordu, stated that products sold cheaply under the name of honey in markets not only endanger human health but also negatively affect the beekeeping sector. Traveling beekeepers are most preferred ...
In the Koçarlı district of Aydın, the new public bread sales project initiated by Mayor Özgür Arıcı has been met with great satisfaction by the citizens. In the early days of his term, he addressed the health threats facing the people of Koçarlı and ...
With the rainy winter in Hatay and the early arrival of spring, beekeepers started their harvesting season early. İsmail Akyüz, a beekeeper affected by the earthquake, stated that this year's harvest is more productive compared to last year. In the Mediterranean region, winter and ...
In Mersin, which holds an important place in honey production in Turkey, the 'cedar honey' can be harvested sometimes every 3 years and sometimes every 5 years due to climate conditions, has brought a smile to beekeepers' faces this year. The kilogram price of cedar honey, which has started to...