Three years ago, Esra Cahyir Evrensel, an Agricultural Engineer, established an aronia garden in Erzincan, which is also referred to as a "super fruit." She has completed the first harvest of this super fruit. Three years ago, she applied to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's Expert Hands Project and...
The aronia berries planted in Erzincan 3 years ago have grown and started to be harvested. This fruit, which has become a sought-after super fruit in fruit aisles worldwide, is especially consumed intensively by cancer patients, and harvesting has begun in Erzincan...
In the district of Posof in Ardahan, the aronia plant, known worldwide as a "super fruit", has been introduced to the soil. The Ardahan Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry is supporting the production of aronia, which is highly beneficial for health and is only produced in a few provinces in...