The heavy rainfall in the district of Kozan in Adana caused great damage to agricultural lands. Click for details.
A sudden hailstorm in the Atabağı Village catches the villagers unprepared. Hailstones hit the fields causing damage. Click for details!
The extent of the damage caused by the natural disaster in Karaman has become clear. The scale of the suffering and details of the damages experienced by the people have emerged.
Heavy rainfall in the districts of Suruç and Birecik in Şanlıurfa has adversely affected life in the region. Keep reading for more details.
Sudden heavy rainfalls in Elazığ caused damage to agricultural fields and streams. The floods and overflows caused by the rain had a negative impact on farmers. Details in our news.
After a long period of drought in Kırıkkale, the expected heavy rain finally arrived! Thanks to the rain, agriculture and nature took a breath, and hopes were revived.