A dry cleaner in Ankara faced mobbing and complaints from other tradesmen because he worked for one third less.

A dry cleaning tradesman working in Ankara was reported by other tradesmen for charging a fee that is one-third of the price set by the chamber he is affiliated with. İlhami Altun, the owner of a dry cleaning shop in Ankara, challenged inflation and served his community…

A dry cleaner in Ankara faced mobbing and complaints from other tradesmen because he worked for one third less.
Publish: 20.07.2024

A dry cleaning tradesman working in Ankara was reported by other tradesmen for charging one-third of the fee set by the chamber to which he belongs.

Ilhami Altun, who owns a dry cleaning shop in Ankara, defied inflation and began charging 130 TL instead of the 400 TL set by the Ankara Dry Cleaners, Laundry, General Cleaning and Carpet Washing Tradesmen’s Chamber, saying he was thinking of the public. However, Ilhami Altun, who stated that he was subjected to mobbing by his fellow tradesmen for working at a low price and has been reported to the chamber many times, protested by saying, “My friend, the free economy is saving me.”

“I charge 130 TL for a suit, while our association’s price is 400 TL.”

Ilhami Altun, who set a price far below that given by his chamber, said, “So far, there has been no complaint about lost, discolored, damaged, or torn items. I charge 130 TL for a suit, while our association’s price is 400 TL. I do it for one-third of the price and earn from volume. I do at least 5-6 machines a day. Each machine takes at least 25-30 pieces. It comes down to 65 TL per piece at 130 TL. It amounts to nearly 1350 TL. I spend 350 TL on electricity and chemicals, leaving me with 1000 TL per machine. Five machines give me 5000 TL. Some fellow tradesmen ask where I find work for 5-6 machines. You can show my shop, my situation is that I have to step on the clothes. I do number one quality work. If a single customer says, ‘I gave it, I didn’t like it, it was washed,’ I am ready to close this shop starting tomorrow,” he stated.

“My friends are reacting to me.”

Stating that his chemicals and machines are of high quality, Altun continued, “Now my friends are reacting to me. If you do it at exorbitant prices, of course, you can’t do business, my friend. Our chamber’s price is 400 TL. If I work for 401 TL or 450 TL above 400 TL, it means I am deceiving my people. If I do it below 400 TL, it means my people support me. They should appreciate me and thank me. My fellow tradesmen, you are also exceeding 400. I am doing it below 400 and I am not unemployed. I work the night shift solely for the purpose of serving my people.”

“Our chamber president calls me, saying, ‘Mr. Ilhami, you are doing it cheaply, why are you doing it cheaply?'”

Altun stated that he was criticized for his low prices by the president of the Ankara Dry Cleaners, Laundry, General Cleaning and Carpet Washing Tradesmen’s Chamber, saying, “My chamber needs to educate me, it needs to show me what I do not know. Because I am your member. More precisely, I am your student. Our chamber president calls me and says, ‘Mr. Ilhami, you are doing it cheaply, why are you doing it cheaply?’ My friend, the free economy is saving me. What does it have to do with you? Do you take dues from me? You do. Is there a complaint about me? Is there something that is broken? Is there anyone complaining about me from my people, my customers? No. What did the fellow tradesman complain about? He complained that I am doing it cheaply. You should appreciate me, you should give me a plaque. You should encourage me.”

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