The Employment Fair organized by the DTO attracted great interest.

Denizli Chamber of Commerce (DTO), which operates like an educational institution with its free courses that receive great interest from the public and its members, brought together employers and job seekers at the Employment Fair and Career Days. At the highly popular fair, 46 member companies of DTO, 1200 job vacancies, and thousands of visitors participated. DTO aims to contribute to employment and career development by organizing such events.

The Employment Fair organized by the DTO attracted great interest.
Publish: 18.07.2024

Denizli Chamber of Commerce (DTO), which operates like an educational institution with its free courses that attract great interest from the public and its members, brought together employers and job seekers at the Employment Fair and Career Days. At the highly attended fair, 46 member companies of DTO had one-on-one meetings with those who came to apply for 1200 open job positions.
Prior to the Employment Fair held in the open area in front of DTO, there was a seminar on the Effects of Active Labor Market Policies on Employment and State Supports at the DTO Assembly Hall. The seminar, which was attended by Denizli Provincial Director of Labor and Employment Agency Fatih Işık and labor agency experts, drew a full house. After the presentations, participants’ questions were also answered. Following the seminar, DTO Chairman Uğur Erdoğan and Director Fatih Işık moved to the fair area in front of the DTO service building. They opened stands at the fair and gathered information from the officials of the companies participating in the job interviews; they also met with the citizens attending the event and wished them success.
“Young unemployed individuals have become sought-after qualified employees” President Erdoğan expressed his gratitude for the high interest shown in our Employment Fair and Career Days, where we brought together 500 citizens from relevant actors such as DTO member manufacturers, exporters, e-traders, 100 innovative sales and production businesses, SMEs participating in our seminars, NEETs, NGOs, and public institutions, and prepared our young job seekers for employment by turning them into qualified sought-after employees through our free theoretical and practical courses and trainings within the framework of the European Union (EU) Labor Market Support Program for Young People Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET PRO) supported by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in Denizli, which is supported by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. “We thank you for the intense interest shown in our Employment Fair and Career Days” he said.
Expressing their great satisfaction with the interest they received, Director Işık also thanked President Erdoğan and the project team for the opportunity presented to them. He wished for their collaboration to continue to grow.
The owner of the project titled ‘Young People Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) are Being Integrated into the Labor Market with Management Information Systems (MIS) in Denizli’ that will start on August 1, 2023, and end on July 31, 2024 is Denizli Chamber of Commerce, and the project partner is Denizli Organized Industrial Zone. The target audience of the project, which aims to reach NEETs aged 20-29 to register with the employment agency, increase the employability of NEETs through Active Labor Market Programs (ALMP), enhance the qualifications of NEETs in line with the needs of the local labor market through trainings, support the active job search processes of NEETs with job and career counselors in cooperation with the Labor Agency Provincial Directorate, includes at least 25 female graduates under the age of 29, 50 NEETs, and 500 people from relevant actors such as SMEs participating in the program seminars, NEETs, NGOs, public institutions, NEETs, their families and relatives participating in the Employment Fair and Career Days, students, and sector representatives.
Within the scope of the project, 50 qualified NEET university graduates aged 20-29, including 25 women, received 330 hours of MIS and 172 hours of Capacity Building Trainings. In MIS trainings, courses were given on the Technical and Managerial Foundations of MIS, Data Source Management, Internet Application Development, Programming, Advanced Office Applications, ICT Governance, Decision Analysis, Decision Support System, Multivariate Statistical Methods, E-commerce and Marketing on the Internet, and E-Business Models. Communication Skills, Leadership and Effective Teamwork, Problem-Solving Techniques, Advanced Excel, Business English, Motivation and Sensitivity, Job Search Skills, and Effective Job Interview topics were covered in Capacity Building Trainings. In addition to the trainings, job finding process consultancy was provided to NEETs in collaboration with the employment agency to enable them to find employment. These consultations, which lasted for 6 days, consisted of 4 days of Job Club Work and 2 days of Personal Action Plan Preparation. Additionally, a 2-day Employment Fair and Career Days for NEETs were held at the end. Especially, 250 employers and employees from companies located in Denizli OIZ were provided with a seminar on the Effects of Active Labor Market Policies on Employment and State Supports and the Impact of MIS Expertise on Business Efficiency for 1 day each.
As part of the project, a study and work visit to Germany will also be organized to examine and review good practice examples related to the processes of NEETs’ participation in the labor force, methods of reaching out to them, and approaches to their inclusion.

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