Shepherd Zeynep became the district champion in LGS.

Zeynep Kaytancı, who works as a shepherd and studies at the same time in the district of Saimbeyli in Adana, became the top scorer in the district by achieving 87 correct answers in the High School Entrance Exam (LGS) and scoring 485.9 points. Zeynep Kaytancı, a 15-year-old girl from a family of 4 children in the Obruk region of Saimbeyli, not only goes to school but also works as a shepherd to support her family.

Shepherd Zeynep became the district champion in LGS.
Publish: 12.07.2024

Zeynep Kaytancı, who works as a shepherd and studies in Saimbeyli district of Adana, became the top scorer in the district by achieving 485.9 points with 87 correct answers in the LGS exam.

Zeynep Kaytancı, a 15-year-old girl from a family with 4 children in Obruk area of Saimbeyli, prepared for exams by attending school and working as a shepherd. Kaytancı, who attends Saimbeyli Martyr Muhterem Yağbasan Imam Hatip Anatolian High School Middle School, managed to be the top scorer in the district by achieving 87 correct answers and 485.9 points in the challenging LGS exam. Kaytancı also succeeded in being ranked among the top 500 in Turkey.

Studying while herding the flocks
Zeynep Kaytancı, who runs after her dreams following her family’s cows and sheep in addition to helping her family and being encouraged to study more by their difficult conditions, stated, ‘I help my family outside of school. We have cows, I graze the sheep and cows. I achieved this primarily through my determination, the support of my teachers and family. I used to take my books with me while grazing the cows. I was studying while constantly looking after them. It was tough but I made it. My goal is Eyüp Aygar Science High School. My next goal is to become a doctor or an architect. I have been aiming to become a doctor since kindergarten, but I added architecture to my goals later on. The secret of my success was to work consistently and aimfully. I thank the District Governor and the Mayor. I didn’t make excuses. I have loved studying since I can remember. Seeing that earning money is difficult, my parents’ tough life motivated me even more,’ she said.

‘My daughter is very successful both in her studies and in helping us’
Yasemin Kaytancı, the mother of Zeynep, expressed her great pride in her daughter’s success, saying, ‘Their success has made us very proud. Her older sister and brother are also in university. It is a great pride for us. Zeynep is not only successful in her studies but also very successful in helping us. We can trust her with everything with our eyes closed. It is a great pride for us.’

Father Mustafa Kaytancı also expressed his pride in his daughter, saying, ‘I am very proud of my daughter. We are ready to do everything we can for her education. Our job here in the mountainous region is difficult, but as my daughter saw these difficulties, she became more ambitious. We are also proud of her.’

Successful Zeynep supported by the state
District Governor Emre Açar rewarded Zeynep and other students who achieved success in the district with gifts, stating that he and the state will always be by their side throughout their educational journey.

Mayor Mahmut Dal welcomed Zeynep Kaytancı, the pride of the district, in his office and presented her with a tablet as a gift, emphasizing that they are always there to support her.

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