Technology will be the locomotive sector of Turkey.
Uyumsoft General Manager Özlem İkiz Arın said, “In the future, there will be no hardware. For example, like phones. Everything can be transferred to a chip. After a while, there will be no need for a chip, and communication through frequency will start.” The latest model technologies are becoming an integral part of our lives.

Uyumsoft General Manager Ozlem Ikiz Arin said, ‘There will be no hardware in the future. For example, like phones. Everything can be transferred to a chip. After a while, there will be no need for a chip and communication will start with frequencies.’ Modern technologies are making our lives easier in every aspect, while developments in commercial dimensions are also progressing rapidly. Innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and Robotic Process Automation are increasingly taking place in our daily lives.
‘60% of companies invested in globally are technology companies.’ Pointing out that software has pervaded into every area regardless of the product, Ozlem Ikiz Arin, General Manager of Uyumsoft Investment Services from YTU Yildiz Technopark companies, said, ‘Whatever you look at in your daily life, there is software involved. Every machine producing the products around you contains software. Therefore, there is no world without software. In this case, software is no longer an industry. Software is among the main sectors of our country. 60% of companies invested in globally are technology companies. Currently, software alone has a market volume of 5 trillion dollars worldwide. This means 5% of the world’s gross domestic product. Our rate in Turkey is 2.5%, which is also very valuable. However, the successes of our verticals are higher. For example, we are currently ranked first in game exports to the world. There are statistics where we are third, fifth with other parameters, but clearly we are in first place. Therefore, technology is now the top priority for all sectors. This development will continue both globally and in Turkey. For years, we have talked about sectors such as construction and tourism as the locomotive sector of Turkey. I think this cycle has changed now, and we are ready as a sector to take the first place.’
‘While there is a shortage of qualified workers in production, there is a rapid adaptation to technology in consumption.’ Emphasizing that they have made completely local moves for human resources, Ozlem Ikiz Arin stated, ‘We embrace the concept from Anatolia to Global. Embracing this concept means that our business partners, our own offices, and our investments are made in Anatolia. We know that Anatolia produces something. That’s why we say that it is not a disadvantaged area. It is an area where no one dared to use. We started with this concept in 2015. Since 2015, if we are going to provide customer support, establish a consultancy structure, establish a new software team, we either find a strong company in our own offices or in that geography or find an organization that has the dream or belief to strengthen. We shake hands and collaborate or employ. Currently, more than 700 people are serving this ecosystem from Anatolia.’