Launch of ‘Productivity’ from Izmir Model Factory

Businesses receiving consultancy from Izmir Model Factory, which offers the opportunity to experience what needs to be done to increase their productivity through efficient use of resources, shared their experiences and gains at the Izmir Chamber of Commerce…

Launch of ‘Productivity’ from Izmir Model Factory
Publish: 03.07.2024

Companies that receive consultancy from Izmir Model Factory, which offers the opportunity to experience what needs to be done to increase productivity through effective use of resources, shared their experiences and gains at the ‘Productivity Launch Meeting’ organized at Izmir Chamber of Commerce.

The ‘Izmir Model Factory Productivity Launch Meeting’, organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Technology Strategic Research and Productivity General Directorate, Izmir Chamber of Commerce, Aegean Region Chamber of Industry, and Izmir Economy University, started with the opening speeches of Dr. Yücel Özkara, Head of Productivity Applications Department of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Cemal Elmasoğlu, Vice Chairman of the Board of Izmir Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of Izmir Model Factory Board, Metin Akdaş, Vice Chairman of the Board of Aegean Region Chamber of Industry, and Vice Chairman of Izmir Model Factory, and Anıl Okcu, Director of Model Factory.

Companies receiving consultancy made presentations
Companies ARNES – Jetseal Sealing Technologies, Grafenz Industry and Trade Inc., OSP Steel Hot Rolled Special Profiles, and Torman Inc., which receive consultancy from Izmir Competence and Digital Transformation Center Izmir Model Factory, each made a presentation at the meeting. Participants included Yücel Yavuz, Acting Director of Industry and Technology in Izmir, Şevket Akçay, Member of Izmir Chamber of Commerce Assembly, Mustafa Kalyoncu, Secretary General of Aegean Region Chamber of Industry, Dr. Mehmet Yavuz, Secretary General of Izmir Development Agency (IZKA), Dr. Levent Arslan, Izmir Director of KOSGEB, Uğur Sülün, Deputy Secretary General of Izmir Chamber of Commerce, and members.

Özkara: ‘We see it as a national issue’
Dr. Yücel Özkara, Head of Strategic Research and Productivity Applications Department of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, stated in his speech that there is a need for an increase in efforts towards increasing productivity, emphasizing that they see this issue as a national matter. Özkara expressed that they particularly support projects related to high technology. Stating that there is a good synergy in Izmir Model Factory, Özkara added that the Ministry will continue to support this project, which continues with the collaboration of two distinguished chambers and a university, and will work on how KOSGEB supports can be improved.

Elmasoğlu: ‘Our goal is to do what has not been done’
Cemal Elmasoğlu, Vice Chairman of the Board of Izmir Chamber of Commerce (IZTO) and Chairman of the Board of Izmir Model Factory, emphasized that the success of ‘productivity’ based works is based on the strong and professional team of Izmir Model Factory. Elmasoğlu, continuing his words by stating that their goal is to do what has not been done, to create a difference, said, ‘Model Factory is one of the most important projects we sustain with common sense in Izmir. I would like to thank our companies, public institutions, all stakeholders, and supporters who have contributed to the establishment of Izmir Model Factory and carrying out a sustainable work. With this collaboration, the Modern Factories we set out with have answered the question today, ‘How can we increase productivity?’

Akdaş: ‘An opportunity for SMEs’
Metin Akdaş, Vice Chairman of the Board of Aegean Region Chamber of Industry and Vice Chairman of the Board of Izmir Model Factory, mentioned that Model Factories are an opportunity for SMEs in terms of sustainability, emphasizing that all resources need to be used in the most efficient way possible, and underlined that meetings like this and similar ones should be held periodically to be beneficial.

Okçu: ‘Our goal is productivity’
Model Factory Director Anıl Okçu, touched upon the goals of the Model Factory and the work carried out in line with these goals, stating that all their goals are focused on productivity and sustainability.

After the speeches and presentations, participants’ questions were answered.

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