MHP Chairman Bahçeli: ‘Only our lawyers will attend the trial that will start on July 1st, no one else will be present there’

The Nationalist Movement Party Leader Devlet Bahçeli stated, ‘Only our lawyers will attend the said trial starting on July 1, no one else will be present there.’ The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Leader Devlet Bahçeli …

MHP Chairman Bahçeli: ‘Only our lawyers will attend the trial that will start on July 1st, no one else will be present there’
Publish: 25.06.2024

The leader of the Nationalist Movement Party, Devlet Bahçeli, said, “Only our lawyers will attend the said trial starting on July 1, and no one else will be present there.” Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Chairman Devlet Bahçeli spoke at his party’s Group Meeting at the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM). Bahçeli conveyed his get-well wishes to the citizens affected by the stubble fire that broke out between Diyarbakır’s Çınar district and Mardin’s Mazıdağı district and expressed his condolences to the citizens who lost their lives.
“It cannot be overlooked which aims and targets Diyarbakır Bar Association wants to keep alive with its sharp and ordered statement.” Referring to the statement made by the Diyarbakır Bar Association on June 22, MHP Chairman Bahçeli stated, “It has been stated that criminal complaints have been filed against those who insult and spread hate speech against our Kurdish-origin brothers through social media. No Turkish citizen can be part of such a heinous and disastrous mistake. No conscientious and righteous Turkish citizen can be involved in such a divisive and separatist conspiracy. It cannot be overlooked which aims and targets Diyarbakır Bar Association wants to keep alive with its sharp and ordered statement. The provocateurs who want to take advantage of the stubble fire to ignite our thousand-year-old brotherhood are somewhat apparent, but it is a national duty for all of us to thwart their vile games. Those who exploit our Kurdish-origin brothers are openly manifesting all their ugly faces, and everyone should know that the purposeful suggestions, malicious instructions, vile harassment, and abuses are doomed to fail.
“For 263 days, innocent Palestinian brothers spill their blood.” Addressing Israel’s attacks on Gaza, Bahçeli stated, “It disrupts ceasefire and peace efforts. For 263 days, innocent Palestinian brothers spill their blood. Caniyahu, in his latest interview with the Israeli media, says that the clashes in Gaza are coming to an end and the troops will be moved to the Lebanon border. This ruthless killer, not ready to give up the war, talks about reaching a partial agreement with Hamas. The risk of the war between Israel and Palestine spreading to other countries, even to the whole Middle East, is gaining momentum day by day. The United Nations Secretary-General, on the dangerous developments along the ‘Blue Line’ separating Israel from Lebanon, does nothing but warn the world about the possibility of Lebanon becoming the second Gaza, and express a threat of a comprehensive war.
“There is no city called Constantinople within the borders of the Republic of Turkey.” Speaking about the Fener Greek Patriarch being invited to the summit as the so-called ‘Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople’ and being made to sign a prepared final declaration, Bahçeli said, “The status of the Fener Greek Patriarchate is clear. The Patriarchate is an institution that is allowed to remain on Turkish territory only for meeting the religious needs of the Orthodox Greek minority and is subject to the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Although it is administratively affiliated with the Fatih District Governorate, the elected Patriarch is also a Turkish citizen. There is no city called Constantinople within the borders of the Republic of Turkey, and the legitimacy and legality of the Ecumenical title is non-existent; on the contrary, those who claim otherwise are enthusiasts of Byzantium and adversaries of the Muslim Turkish nation. No one has the power to turn Istanbul into a second Vatican. Istanbul, the legacy of our conquest, is also a symbol of our national and spiritual honor. The return of Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque to its original form and opening it for Muslim worship has alarmed many circles and has driven them all crazy since that day. We will respond to those who activate the ecumenical card with our mentioning tongue, grateful heart, patient body with resistance and resilience.
“The People’s Alliance is the root of the Turkish nation’s spirit and will continue on its path with determination.” Referring to “hypocritical democrats, dubious revolutionaries, sly old foxes, lying freedom-lovers, corrupted elites, crisis-loving politicians, dark centers, externally-connected puppets resorting to psychological warfare techniques against our party, our alliance, and our country, those who associate degradation with elegance, dissolution with normalization,” Bahçeli said, “The People’s Alliance is the root of the Turkish nation’s spirit and will continue on its path with determination. The advantage of democracy lies not only in the voting of different views but also in the mutual interaction of different perspectives to balance each other. We can say that the real power of democracy lies in the effort to reason about various perspectives and their disagreements. However, the counterfeit democracy evangelists are knee-deep in fraud.
“The CHP is an unhealthy entity that cannot get rid of political intelligence and will.” Bahçeli stated that the CHP cannot find stability within itself and is an unhealthy entity that cannot get rid of political intelligence and will. He added that the absence of a solution to this disease specific to the CHP is a serious loss for Turkish politics and democratic life. He commented on the tasks given to Özgür Özel in the homework and instruction list, especially dealing with the Nationalist Movement Party and hitting the nail while shoeing the horse. He emphasized that the efforts of this person opening a political theater on a rotten board, to put our party under suspicion on every issue, to directly target our comrades, are inconsistent with political ethics. The so-called normalization-masked fraudulent political design of the CHP is nothing but the insidiousness of feeding abnormality with increasing dosages.
“I will not forgive them, I will settle all scores with each and every one of them either in this world or in the hereafter.” Saying that they will be told forty lies on one leg to associate the party and the Idealist Hearths with the alleged murder case that will start on July 1, Bahçeli continued, “They will be distracted with fabricated and produced slanders. I am especially compelled to state the following: we know very well who is collaborating with whom, what is being discussed here and there, and what kind of slander traps are being prepared, and we are following all of them. We will not let our cause be judged by the whims of a few looters. We will not let the Nationalist Movement Party and the Idealist Hearths be questioned by those puppets wandering around, the fools trampling on the funeral, and the dishonorable ones who give them gas. Do they think we do not see that they are trying to intimidate us? Do they think we do not know that concessions are being asked of us? Do they think we do not see the mastermind behind the treacherous scenario, the big picture, the forest behind the trees? If so, I am amazed at the intelligence of mentally challenged counterparts, and indeed, I pity them all. The Nationalist Movement Party cannot be intimidated, and no one can dare to challenge us. Only our lawyers will attend the said trial starting on July 1, and no one else will be present there. Let everyone reveal what they know, submit any documents, information, and evidence they have to the court, and let us all see the truth. To those who associate the Nationalist Movement Party and the Idealist Hearths with a murder case without the slightest connection, accusing them, I will not forgive them, and I will settle all scores with each and every one of them either in this world or in the hereafter.
“We find the comprehensive work initiated to ensure tax justice extremely positive and support it.” Speaking about the new regulations to be made in tax revenues, Bahçeli said, “We find the comprehensive work initiated to ensure tax justice extremely positive and support it. Reducing the share of indirect taxes in total tax revenues and increasing direct taxes will provide a lifeline to social and economic justice. Thankfully, the Turkish economy has weathered the storm. A downward trend in inflation has begun. We trust the economy program that will reduce the current account deficit, promote investment, ensure employment and growth, and maintain budget discipline, as well as succeed in structural reforms, and we believe that the worst days are behind us. While it is clear that there will be exemptions for motorcycle courier incomes and waiter tips, those who claim that taxes will be imposed and instill fear are sincerely lacking in sincerity and honesty. As far as we understand from the expected regulation to be presented to the Parliament, commercial gains arising from motorcycle courier activities will be taxed under the simplified procedure, tip incomes will not be associated with regular wage incomes and will not be subject to VAT by being shown separately from the service fee. Politically and morally, stirring up the atmosphere will not benefit anyone.
“I interpret the ‘Long live Portugal’ message shared on social media by the former DEM party MP as a complete disgrace.” Speaking about the A National Team competing in Euro 2024, Bahçeli said, “Whether they win or lose, whether they advance from the group stage or not, I kiss them with longing from their eyes and declare that we are proud of them. Our children who carry the crescent-star jersey with belief represent Turkey and the Turkish nation in the best way. I followed the rumors made especially on social media after the Portugal match, the discussions made mostly about our footballers, and specifically about our son Arda Güler. Just as Arda shared, it is not fitting for a Turk to stop. I am of the opinion that any statement and rumor that will undermine the morale of the technical staff and players should be carefully avoided. Ultimately, there is winning and losing in football. I hope that our lions will leave the Czech match with a victory, and besides that, they will gift the European Championship to our dear nation. I interpret the ‘Long live Portugal’ message shared on social media by the former and criminal DEM party MP who serves in the Turkish Grand National Assembly after the Portugal match as a complete disgrace. It turns out betrayal closes hearts and blinds eyes. If this traitor and former MP is receiving a pension, his pension should be immediately cut, he should be stripped of his citizenship, and the only option is for him to go to the country he shares his joy with and settle there.

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