Anadolu University has risen to the top in student preferences

Anadolu University, known as the most established institution of higher education in Eskişehir, the happiest city in Turkey for students, is one of the most preferred universities by students with high success levels, especially during the term of Rector Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal.

Anadolu University has risen to the top in student preferences
Publish: 17.06.2024
Updated: 24.06.2024 23:21

Anadolu University, known as the oldest institution of higher education in Eskişehir, the happiest city in Turkey for students, has become one of the most preferred universities, especially by students with high levels of success during the tenure of Rector Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal. According to the Placement Results of the 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) published by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), Anadolu University attracted attention by breaking records with 100% occupancy rates in formal undergraduate and associate degree programs. Distance education system programs also reached a 100% occupancy rate. With additional quotas offered by the Higher Education Council (YÖK), occupancy rates exceeded 100% in some years. Successful students in all score types at Anadolu University. According to the 2023 YKS Placement Results, 66.1% of students placed in the verbal score type and formal programs chose Anadolu University as their first choice, 90.5% as their top 5 choice, and 97.5% as their top 10 choice. Between 2020-2024, among the first 1000 students, including the 150th and 188th in Turkey, 14 students from the top 1000 and 104 students from the top 5000 were placed at Anadolu University. The choice of the 150th student in Turkey was the Turkish Language and Literature Department of the Faculty of Literature. For students placed in the equal weight score type and formal programs, 30% chose Anadolu University as their top 3, 64.5% as their top 5, and 98% as their top 10 choice. For students placed in the language score type and formal programs, 73.5% chose Anadolu University as their top 3, 97.1% as their top 5 choice, and among the top 5000, 2 students and among the top 10000, 67 students chose Anadolu University. The choice of the 643rd student in Turkey was the German Language Teaching Program of the Faculty of Education. In addition to success at the university, Anadolu University set a precedent during the 2020-2021 academic year by offering unconditional scholarship opportunities in many different categories to prospective students under the initiatives of Rector Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal. Anadolu University continues to support its students. Within the framework of the Anadolu University scholarships of the Education Support Foundation reaching six different categories, students are provided with scholarship opportunities such as free accommodation at Anadolu University Residence, laptop, free cafeteria/meal services, and cash support throughout their educational life. In addition to these opportunities, within the ‘Anadolu Art Support’ scholarships based on success in special talent exams, support is provided for students to participate in many international art events such as the Venice Biennale, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Concert, and Edinburgh International Theater Festival with up to 15,000 TL. Let Eskişehir be your choice. Anadolu University, Eskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGÜ), and Eskişehir Technical University (ESTÜ) have come together and with the initiatives of Anadolu University Rector Prof. Dr. Fuat Erdal, the ‘My Choice Eskişehir’ platform, which brings together the 3 universities on a single online platform, guides university candidate students. The 3 universities of Eskişehir, the happiest city in Turkey for students, continue to provide information and promotion services to students through the ‘My Choice Eskişehir’ platform for students to make the right career choice. The global campus of the country: Anadolu University. In Eskişehir, the student capital of Turkey, high-quality higher education activities are carried out with the motto of lifelong learning. In this context, Anadolu University, considered one of Turkey’s and the world’s largest education families, not only offers its students privileged education with its expert academic staff but also hosts more than 100 science, art, culture, and sports events every month. Anadolu University provides equal opportunities in education for everyone from 7 to 77 with its quality education activities and continues to be the choice of the best.

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