The ‘Humanitarian Aid Exercise-2024’ distinguished observer day has been completed

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) organized the ‘Humanitarian Aid Exercise-2024’ to be able to conduct search and rescue operations and activities in disasters and emergencies in a coordinated manner with public institutions. The distinguished observer day of the exercise…

The ‘Humanitarian Aid Exercise-2024’ distinguished observer day has been completed
Publish: 14.06.2024
Updated: 16.06.2024 22:22

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) completed the distinguished observer day of the ‘Humanitarian Aid Exercise-2024’ organized to be able to carry out search and rescue operations and activities in disasters and emergencies in coordination with public institutions.

According to the scenario, in the earthquake simulated with the center in Istanbul, it was reported that many houses and workplaces collapsed, resulting in a large number of dead and injured people under the rubble. The earthquake intensity was announced as 7.1 by TRT Radio.

The breathtaking landings of the DAK Team with Sikorsky

Following the announcement, aerial reconnaissance flights were carried out over the areas destroyed after the earthquake using a Cougar helicopter belonging to the TSK. After the flight, the DAK team landed in the disaster area with Sikorsky. Search and rescue dogs were lowered to the area, and the DAK Team first calmed the relatives of the earthquake victims, then tried to establish communication with the injured to locate those trapped under the rubble. Following the identification of survivors under the debris, operations began at the points determined by listening devices. Precautions were taken against gas and electrical leaks during the operation, and fires were extinguished by the fire brigade teams. The earthquake victims identified at the points were rescued by the UMKE team and transferred to hospitals. After the search and rescue dogs located the deceased, they were evacuated with a funeral transport vehicle, successfully concluding the exercise.

‘Our personnel number has been increased to 10,426’

Following the exercise, Infantry Colonel Hikmet Erdoğdu, the Humanitarian Aid Brigade Commander, stated to the press, ‘The Turkish Armed Forces Humanitarian Aid Brigade Command is the first element of the armed forces to be deployed to the disaster area when requested after any natural disaster. Our unit operated in the disaster area with all its elements after the disaster of the century on February 6, 2023. While our natural disaster search and rescue teams were conducting search and rescue operations in the region, our logistical elements set up and operated facilities such as kitchens, ovens, bathrooms, and laundries. Within the scope of the lessons learned from the major disaster, we reviewed the measures taken by our Ministry for disasters and emergencies, determined additional measures to be taken, and started working in that direction. Within the framework of AFAD’s search and rescue project targeting 100,000, two additional Natural Disaster battalions were established within the Humanitarian Aid Brigade, increasing the number of battalions to three. In Istanbul, two DAK companies were established. 11 heavy-level search and rescue teams consisting of 80 people each were formed by our DAK units to be able to operate internationally. 12 medium-level search and rescue teams consisting of 38 people each were formed by our Direction units. In addition, 505 earthquake search and rescue teams consisting of 18 people each were formed by our other units. Thus, our search and rescue personnel number has been increased to 10,426. In addition to the search and rescue teams, 45 security, public order, and assistance battalions, each consisting of 366 personnel, were formed to be used in case of disasters.’

‘Mehmetçik Disaster Support Project initiated’

Erdoğdu stated that approximately 6,000 of their personnel have been trained in certified search and rescue operations so far, saying, ‘In order to train search and rescue personnel, 68 personnel from our brigade participated in the urban search and rescue instructor training provided by AFAD, and AFAD built 10 search and rescue training areas for our units. Joint training and exercises with national and international public institutions and organizations have started to be planned and implemented. Since it was observed that the techniques used by our miners are very useful in search and rescue operations, our personnel have started to receive training in mining techniques. It was considered appropriate that aid in earthquakes should be provided in a holistic manner, so the ‘Mehmetçik Disaster Support Project’ was initiated, and an exemplary Mehmetçik disaster base was established in Tekirdağ. Our preparations for disasters continue.’

The exercise conducted at the TSK Humanitarian Aid Brigade Natural Disasters Search and Rescue (DAK) Battalion at the Şehit Üsteğmen Hasan Şahan Barracks in Sincan was attended by AFAD, Turkish Red Crescent, UMKE, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department, and Sincan Municipality teams and vehicles. The exercise was also observed by the Bulgarian Attaché and Maldives Defense Attaché personnel.

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