Women are Producing Strawberries in Burdur

Strawberries cultivated with intensive labor by female farmers in Burdur adorn tables as a delicious and healthy product. The story of strawberry production by women in the fertile lands of Burdur.

Women are Producing Strawberries in Burdur
Publish: 29.04.2024
Updated: 02.06.2024 13:37

In Burdur, within the scope of the project ‘Women Produce, Special Provincial Administration Supports’, 60 thousand strawberry seedlings were distributed to 10 women farmers. The project was implemented in coordination with the Burdur Governorship, Provincial Administration, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Seedling Distribution and Support

A total of 60 thousand strawberry seedlings, 6 thousand for each of the 10 women farmers who are members of the Kemer Asarcık Women’s Initiative Production and Operation Cooperative, were distributed to be grown in 1-acre areas each. Governor Türker Öksüz, Members of Parliament Prof. Dr. Adem Korkmaz, and İzzet Akbulut participated in the seedling distribution program.

Protocol Speeches and Thanks

In his speech at the program, Governor Öksüz emphasized the necessity of supporting agriculture and production, stating that support to women farmers will continue. Symbolic strawberry seedlings were presented to women entrepreneurs by protocol members.

Ground Meeting and Planting

Following the program, Governor Öksüz and the accompanying delegation planted the first strawberry seedlings in the soil. This step aimed to mark the beginning of the strawberry production project and contribute to women entrepreneurs’ production.

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