Cherries grown in Erzincan are being sold to foreign countries and neighboring provinces
Harvest joy is being experienced in the cherry orchards in Erzincan. The abundance and fertility in the orchards bring a smile to the faces of the producers. The cherries grown in Erzincan are sold to foreign countries and neighboring provinces. In the villages of the central district of Erzincan, early ripening cherries…

Harvest joy is experienced in cherry orchards in Erzincan. The abundance and fertility in the orchards bring a smile to the producers’ faces. Cherries grown in Erzincan are sold to foreign countries and neighboring provinces. In the villages of the central district of Erzincan, cherries grown on early-ripening cherry trees in the orchards have started to be harvested. Erzincan, where a variety of fruits such as apple, apricot, peach, cherry, grape, pear, mulberry, sour cherry, and walnut are grown thanks to its microclimate features, is now harvesting early-ripening cherries in the orchards. According to the 2023 data of TUIK, 4,075 tons of cherries were produced in Erzincan from an area of 2,340 hectares. Cherry, which is one of the important products of Erzincan with its quality and aroma, is sold to foreign countries and neighboring provinces. Saygın Polat, who cultivates cherries in Yaylabaşı Neighborhood connected to Erzincan Center, has started harvesting cherries in his orchard. Polat, who stated that they offer early-ripening cherry varieties to the domestic market, expressed that they are satisfied with the yield and quality this year, trust the cherries they produce, and despite facing difficulties in finding labor, they will not compromise on production. Erzincan Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry thanked Özcan Tekin, the Branch Director of Plant Production and Plant Health, and the technical team for their visits. Erzincan Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Murat Şahin, in his statements regarding the start of cherry harvest, emphasized that cherry is an important fruit for Erzincan. Director Şahin noted that early varieties will be harvested initially, and after the holiday, the harvest will continue for about a month varying by regions, saying, ‘Erzincan has a significant capacity in the fruit growing sector in its region. We grow many fruits for consumption, drying, and industrial purposes in Erzincan and sell them to neighboring provinces. Since the beginning of the season, we have been working with our farmers in cultural practices and in the fight against diseases and pests. Hopefully, we will have a season full of abundance and fertility.’ It is expected that the cherry harvest will start mainly in the Üzümlü district and villages of Erzincan after the holiday.