Search meeting for new projects from Green Environment

In the context of World Environment Day, the Green Environment Service and Management Cooperative, in collaboration with its partners, gathered at Bursa Business School, which has opened in Uludağ. The cooperative held a Search Meeting regarding new investment and work plans. ‘Green environment, clean water…’

Search meeting for new projects from Green Environment
Publish: 08.06.2024

On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Green Environment Service and Management Cooperative, which came together at Bursa Business School in Uludağ with its partners, held a Search Meeting regarding new investment and work plans. The meeting aimed to develop new projects in terms of recycling and nature-friendly activities with the goal of ‘green environment, clean water’. The meeting was attended by Gürsu District Governor Naif Yavuz, Kestel Municipality Vice President Adem Orhan Yılmaz, Green Environment Service and Management Cooperative Board Members, cooperative business partners, and many industry representatives. Our goal is to build treatment plants according to European standards. In his opening speech, Green Environment Service and Management Cooperative General Manager Mehmet Aydın provided information about the 26-year process since the establishment of the cooperative, stating that after the increasing industrial zones and settlements in Kestel and Gürsu, the facility reached a capacity to treat over 34 million cubic meters of domestic and industrial wastewater annually. Aydın also mentioned that the number of partners has increased to 429 and provided information about the Hazardous Packaging Waste Collection Separation Facility, which started its activities in recent months, stating that besides our wastewater treatment services, we have also started providing services for the collection and separation of non-hazardous packaging waste to be recycled into the economy. Green environment treatment plant is an exemplary investment. Gürsu District Governor Naif Yavuz, emphasizing that nature is not only important for humans but also hosts many living organisms, stated that keeping the environment clean is crucial for the entire ecosystem. Yavuz highlighted that nature has been seriously damaged by humans and emphasized that the greatest legacy we can leave to future generations is nature, stating that preserving nature should not be limited to transforming factory waste. He expressed that environmental sensitivity should start from homes and continue in schools, warning that the consequences will be severe otherwise. Mayor Deputy Adem Orhan Yılmaz of Kestel Municipality, underlining the value of the services and investments made by Green Environment for Bursa and the region, thanked everyone involved in the meaningful organization held on World Environment Day. Green Environment fulfills its responsibilities for the future. Cooperatives Board Deputy Treasurer Arif Demirören emphasized the importance of the responsibilities fulfilled by the Green Environment Service and Management Cooperative, stating that the functioning and activities of the cooperative are crucial to leave a beautiful world for the future. Demirören also stated that each generation should leave something culturally to their successors and emphasized that environmental cleanliness and protection of the environment are a shared responsibility of all individuals, institutions, and organizations. We added value to Bursa. Kestel Organized Industrial Zone Chairman of the Board Cem Hısımcıl, talking about the excitement experienced during the establishment process of the Green Environment Service and Management Cooperative, stated that they are very happy with what they have achieved together through diligent work, emphasizing that they have obtained significant benefits. He expressed his gratitude to everyone who contributed to this exemplary investment, saying ‘We added value to Bursa. Bursa is ours, Bursa belongs to all of us. I thank everyone who has made an effort to keep Bursa green.’ Green environment was shown as a ‘good practice example’ at Uludağ Environment Forum. After the search meeting, members of the Green Environment Service and Management Cooperative also participated in the Uludağ Environment Forum organized by the Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Bursa Business School to increase awareness on sustainability and green transformation. At the Uludağ Environment Forum, organized under the theme ‘Green Production Clean Future’, a presentation was made by General Manager Mehmet Aydın on sustainable water and waste management in the industry, showing the Green Environment Service and Management Cooperative as a ‘good practice example’.

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