High School End of Year Art Exhibition
Sinop Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School organized an end-of-year art exhibition. The art exhibition, held at Sinop Sebahattin Ali Cultural Center, showcased 94 artistic visuals created by students throughout the year …

Sinop Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School held an end-of-year art exhibition. The art exhibition, which took place at Sinop Sebahattin Ali Cultural Center, presented 94 artistic visuals created by students throughout the year to the public. Speaking at the exhibition opening, the Principal of Sinop Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Metin Çalmaz, stated that since the school opened in 2018, for 6 years, their mission has been to raise students who are not only professionally competent and experts in their field, but also individuals with high moral values, love and sense of duty towards their country, and capable of adding value to their surroundings. He emphasized that in addition to vocational education, the development of students’ painting, music, and sports skills by these teachers contributes to the enhancement of their talents, revealing the uniqueness of students who are strong in character, mental health, and personality. Art education undoubtedly enhances creativity, and therefore, it is important. The purpose of art education is to develop students’ perceptual abilities, help them express their mental accumulations in visual forms, and enable them to express themselves freely. In this context, the aim is not only to educate individuals who create art, but also to educate individuals who love art and perceive culture. Therefore, we should pay attention to art education within our education system. The visual arts teacher of the school, Havva Kara, provided information about the exhibition, stating that there are a total of 98 pieces in the exhibition, including 18 charcoal drawings, 65 canvases, and 11 stone paintings. She mentioned the intensive efforts made with the students to realize these artworks and expressed the joy of presenting their works to the public. Following the opening speeches, the exhibition was officially opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Sinop Deputy Governor Abdullah Şahin received information about the exhibition and paintings from the Visual Arts Teacher Havva Kara. Later, the students of the Food and Beverage Services Area Teachers Sibel Erkoç Genç and İbrahim Genç served food and beverages prepared by their students to the participants. The exhibition opening concluded with a cocktail reception.