Fatih Erbakan: ‘Let’s gather stray animals from the streets but instead of killing them, let’s neuter them and let them live in the best conditions’

The leader of the Welfare Party (YRP), Fatih Erbakan, stated, ‘Let’s collect the stray animals from the streets, but instead of killing them, let’s neuter them and let them live in the best conditions.’ Erbakan, who visited Kayseri for a series of programs, expressed his views on the events in Palestine, stating that 2 billion Muslims…

Fatih Erbakan: ‘Let’s gather stray animals from the streets but instead of killing them, let’s neuter them and let them live in the best conditions’
Publish: 30.05.2024

Leader of the Welfare Party (YRP), Fatih Erbakan, stated, ‘Let’s collect stray animals but instead of killing them, let’s neuter them and let them live in the best conditions.’ Erbakan, who came to Kayseri for a series of programs, mentioned that 2 billion Muslims watch what is happening in Palestine as if watching a movie, emphasizing the necessity of doing everything possible when the greatest genocide and brutality in history are taking place. He said, ‘The massacres committed by the Zionist terrorist state, the terrorist regime, are an important agenda item. Late Erbakan, our teacher, explained to our nation for years what kind of microbe Zionism is. 30, 40, 50 years ago, he pointed out these truths and said, ‘There is a microbe causing the material and spiritual troubles of humanity. This microbe is the Zionist microbe.’ Today, we see this much more clearly in Gaza, in Refah. For years, our teacher Erbakan talked about Islamic Union, Islamic Dinar, rebuilding a great Turkey, and now we understand much better why he struggled like this when we see this scene. Because today, unfortunately, 2 billion Muslims watch this brutality like a movie on television since we couldn’t reach those goals. When you see the situation of the people there, you can’t sleep at night, you can’t sleep. A terrible brutality, a terrible massacre. Today, the President also reacts to America and says, ‘Hey, America, you are also responsible for this massacre. You are also involved in this.’ We were already saying this. So let’s close Incirlik Air Base, which supports this massacre. What is the purpose of this base in Adana? The President reacts to Israel. So let’s close the Kürecik Radar Base in Malatya. We must do whatever we can in the face of this brutality. When the greatest genocide and brutality in history are taking place, we must do whatever we can.’

‘Let’s collect the animals but let’s not end their lives.’ Erbakan stated that stray animals should be collected and neutered instead of ending their lives, saying, ‘Another important issue on the agenda is about stray animals. Our approach is based on the saying of our Prophet, ‘He who has no mercy will not be shown mercy.’ Yes, let there not be a single stray dog in the streets. We already mentioned this as a project. Let’s collect all of them, but let’s start one in the most advanced, modern areas. Our Yozgat Municipality has begun to establish one called ‘Pet City.’ Let’s let them live in the best conditions. Let’s neuter and let them live, let’s not end their lives. Because the foundation of our belief is compassion for all creatures. Whether Muslim or not, compassion for all human beings and at the same time compassion and mercy for all creatures. We, as the Welfare Party, do not accept such a merciless approach. These animals need to be collected, removed from human living areas, but they need to continue living in the best conditions under the supervision of veterinarians and experts. As I mentioned earlier, our municipalities are taking the necessary steps. We have a pet city project where animals can continue to live in the best way under the supervision of veterinarians and experts, not a collection camp, not a death camp. We cannot kill these creatures and we cannot take their lives. It is said that it costs a lot to keep them alive. Let a director who earns 1.4 million TL in the public sector receive 1 million TL. Let a bureaucrat earning 800 thousand TL receive 300 thousand TL so that we can find a resource for these animals. Instead of granting tax exemption to privileged holdings 128 times, let’s grant it 28 times and find a resource for these animals. When we transfer trillions to such waste, interest, and privileged holdings, do we not have enough money to keep these animals alive?’ Erbakan then pinned party badges on new members who switched from the AK Party to the Welfare Party after his speech.

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