4 more departments of the Faculty of Education have been accredited

Bursa Uludağ University (BUU) Faculty of Education’s 4 undergraduate programs have been accredited for a period of 3+2 years by the Teacher Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association (EPDAD) following the evaluation conducted in the 2023-2024 academic year.

4 more departments of the Faculty of Education have been accredited
Publish: 30.05.2024
Updated: 02.06.2024 19:53

Bursa Uludağ University (BUÜ) Faculty of Education’s 4 undergraduate programs have been accredited for a period of 3+2 years by the Teacher Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association (EPDAD) following the evaluation conducted in the 2023-2024 academic year.

According to the evaluation conducted based on the Standards to be Used in the Evaluation and Accreditation of Undergraduate Programs by EPDAD, in addition to the 4 undergraduate programs at BUÜ Faculty of Education, 4 more undergraduate programs have been decided to be accredited for a period of 3+2 years. Therefore, the undergraduate programs of Classroom Teaching, Preschool Teaching, Art Teaching, and Turkish Language Teaching at the Faculty of Education have been granted the accreditation certificate until the year 2029. The Faculty of Education has achieved significant success with its 8 accredited programs.

Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Salih Çepni, along with Vice Deans, Department Chairs, and academics were hosted by BUÜ Rector, Prof. Dr. Ferudun Yılmaz, who thanked everyone involved in the success. Emphasizing that a comprehensive quality initiative has been initiated at the university, Rector Prof. Dr. Ferudun Yılmaz stated that they have made significant progress in a short period of time. Pointing out the necessity of hard work and perseverance for success, Prof. Dr. Yılmaz said, ‘It is crucial to achieve the peak in terms of quality. However, it is even more challenging to maintain that peak. In this sense, our Faculty of Education has achieved a result that will serve as an example to our non-accredited units. I sincerely thank everyone who contributed to this success. The accreditation certification process is ongoing in our other departments and faculties as well. I believe that we will receive good news from them soon.’

Dean of the Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Salih Çepni, also expressed his gratitude for the contributions throughout the diligent journey, from the very beginning of the process to the support provided by our Rector, Prof. Dr. Ferudun Yılmaz, to the accreditation commissions who worked intensively for 2 years during the accreditation process, to the faculty administration, department and division heads, teaching staff who supported the process, beloved students, principals of practice schools, practice teachers, and all faculty staff who contributed, as well as the valuable managers and evaluators of EPDAD. We have increased the number of accredited programs to 8. We wish that this success achieved will lead our Faculty to many more achievements in the quality journey. We hope that it will be beneficial for the higher education system, our university, our faculty, and our departments.’

BUÜ Rector, Prof. Dr. Ferudun Yılmaz, handed over the accreditation certificates to the relevant department managers after the speeches.

For detailed information about the undergraduate programs accredited by EPDAD in the 2023-2024 academic year, please visit https://epdad.org.tr/icerik/akredite-edilen-programlar.

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