A fine of 386 lira per hectare for those burning stubble in Diyarbakır
Diyarbakır Agriculture and Forestry Provincial Directorate announced that a administrative fine of 386.79 TL per hectare will be applied to those who burn stubble, and if the burned stubble is adjacent to residential areas or forests or wetlands, this fine increases fivefold. Diyarbakır …

Diyarbakır Agriculture and Forestry Provincial Directorate announced that a administrative fine of 386.79 TL per hectare will be imposed on those who burn stubble, and if the burned area is adjacent to residential areas or forests or wetlands, this fine will increase fivefold. The announcement made by Diyarbakır Agriculture and Forestry Provincial Directorate emphasized the importance of protecting the biological, chemical, and physical structure of soil, as well as the environment, for the sustainability of soil fertility within natural balance, especially after harvesting in cereal farming, taking into account the damage that burning stubble can cause to soil and the environment. It stated that measures will be taken to prevent stubble burning, including educating farmers and informing the public. The announcement also highlighted that Diyarbakır has approximately 7 million hectares of agricultural land, making it one of the most important provinces in the country. About 5 million hectares of this area are dedicated to cereal farming (wheat, barley, corn, rice). After the harvest of cereals, the remaining plant residues (stems, spike axis, etc.) are called stubble. Stubble has an organic structure and must be mixed into the soil without exception. However, stubble fires are observed in our province from the post-harvest period until the autumn months. Stubble fires reduce soil fertility, eventually leading to desertification of the soil. Stubble fires decrease the quality of life for humans and animals, causing harm. Ash and smoke enter our homes; our soil, animals, and the entire nature are harmed by stubble fires.