President Turkel: “I will be worthy of the trust of the people of Atakum”
SAMSUN (İHA) – The Mayor of Atakum, Serhat Türkel, stated that he will live up to the trust placed in him by the people of Atakum and will not disappoint this trust. Atakum Municipality of Samsun celebrated May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day with sports and art activities…

SAMSUN (İHA) – Atakum Mayor Serhat Türkel stated that he will be worthy of the trust given to him by the people of Atakum and will not disappoint this trust. Atakum Municipality of Samsun celebrated May 19th Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day with a series of programs where sports and art intersect. The city hosted numerous events ranging from Youth Festival to sports tournaments and concerts for four days. CHP Chairman Özgür Özel and Izmir Mayor Dr. Cemil Tugay met with Mayor Türkel as part of the May 19th program. ATASA Stage hosted an art mosaic during the May 19th celebrations, where the ‘Endless Ball, Liberation Exhibition’ and ‘Timeless Women’ screenings organized at Ata Stage received great interest from art enthusiasts. In the ‘Endless Ball, Liberation Exhibition’ presented by Master Artist Yaşar Gündem, special performances of Stil Dance dancers and photo frames from the early years of the Republic were featured. ‘Timeless Women’, which included excerpts from the lives of women who left a mark on history, met with the citizens. The inspiring stories of Republic women narrated by author İlknur Güntürkün Kalıpçı received the appreciation of the participants.