Warning from Expert: “Skipping Meals during Suhoor is Not Recommended”

Dietitian Gizem Bakar, providing information on proper nutrition methods during Ramadan, emphasized the importance of consuming ‘lactose-free yogurt’ during the iftar meal to avoid bloating and highlighted the necessity of not skipping meals during suhoor.
Dietitians providing recommendations for maintaining immunity with proper nutrition during Ramadan emphasize paying attention to the foods consumed during iftar and suhoor. Dietitian Gizem Bakar from Special Kastamonu Anatolian Hospital recommended consuming lactose-free yogurt during iftar to avoid bloating. Bakar also warned about the importance of paying attention to the carbohydrate, fat, and protein content during suhoor, stating that increased consumption of sweets can lead to weight gain. Drawing attention to the potential slowdown of metabolism due to fluid loss, Bakar emphasized the importance of balanced fluid intake and nutrition.
Gizem Bakar, who recommends paying attention to the carbohydrate, fat, and protein content during Ramadan, said, “During Ramadan, it is possible to lose weight healthily by including the right meals on our table. However, when consumption of sweets and pastries increases during invitations and iftar meals, weight gain becomes an issue; therefore, attention should be paid to dietary habits.”
“It is essential not to skip the suhoor meal and to consume yogurt during iftar” Bakar emphasized the importance of eating healthily during suhoor, stating, “To spend Ramadan period healthily, the suhoor meal should not be skipped. Attention should be paid to the carbohydrate, fat, and protein content on meal plates. After a long period of fasting, the fast should be broken with 1 date or 2 olives to balance blood sugar levels. The iftar meal should start with 1 glass of warm water and low-fat soup. To avoid stomach bloating, the main meal should be consumed after resting for 10 minutes. Between iftar and suhoor, attention should be paid to consuming 2-2.5 liters of water. To avoid bloating during iftar, ‘lactose-free yogurt’ should be preferred. An hour after iftar, moderate-intensity exercise should be performed to increase activity,” she said.
Dietitian Bakar highlighted that the most important meal during Ramadan is suhoor, stating, “During the suhoor meal, it is essential to consume high-quality proteins such as eggs, boiled or lean omelet. Adding white cheese, olives, raw greens, and 1 slice of rye or whole grain bread will make for a healthy and satiating suhoor meal. At the same time, when the suhoor meal is skipped during fasting, there is an increase in hunger and thirst and appetite during iftar. Therefore, it is essential to have a suhoor meal.”
“Sedentary behavior triggers stomach diseases” Bakar noted the importance of exercising after iftar, stating, “Remaining sedentary and sleeping after iftar triggers stomach disorders such as reflux, gastritis, and ulcers. To avoid digestion and indigestion problems, it is essential to take a walk for 45-60 minutes after iftar.”
Providing recommendations for suhoor and iftar menus, Dietitian Gizem Bakar said, “We can provide an example of a healthy suhoor and iftar menu. A suhoor menu may include 1 boiled egg, 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese or 1 slice of white cheese, 5-6 unsalted black olives, raw greens, and 1 thin slice of rye or buckwheat bread. For the iftar menu, besides 1 ladle of soups without white flour, 100-120 grams of meat, chicken or meatballs, 3 tablespoons of yogurt or tzatziki, 1 bowl of salad with plenty of greens, 1 date, and 1 thin slice of rye or buckwheat bread can be preferred.”