CHP Leader Özgür Özel: ‘I can never accept that Samsun has not been won by us’

SAMSUN (İHA) – CHP Chairman Özgür Özel stated during the celebrations of the 19th of May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day in Samsun that he cannot accept that Samsun was not won by us. CHP Chairman Özgür Özel, who attended the celebrations in Samsun, stated that he cannot accept that Samsun was not won by us. He emphasized the importance of Samsun in the national struggle for independence and stated that Samsun was the first step towards victory.

CHP Leader Özgür Özel: ‘I can never accept that Samsun has not been won by us’
Publish: 19.05.2024
Updated: 20.05.2024 16:19

SAMSUN (İHA) – CHP leader Özgür Özel, stated during the celebrations of the 19th of May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day in Samsun, ‘I can never accept that Samsun has not been won by us.’

CHP leader Özgür Özel, after attending the 19th of May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day celebrations in the morning in Ankara, came to Samsun where Atatürk initiated the War of Independence. Özel, arriving at the Tobacco Pier where Atatürk took his first step, was welcomed with flowers. After the welcoming, Özel walked to the Atatürk Monument where the ceremonies would take place and addressed the public.

‘I can never accept that Samsun has not been won by us’
Referring to the local election results in Samsun, Özel stated, ‘I would like to express my great sorrow. At a time like this, in such an atmosphere, when we are winning cities like Kütahya, Afyon, Uşak, Manisa, all the way to Izmir, in other words, the cities where the National Struggle and the Great Offensive took place, when we are winning Amasya and Kastamonu, I can never accept that Samsun has not been won by us. I address everyone in Samsun, regardless of party affiliation but with a love for Atatürk in their hearts. We cannot bear this in Samsun. We must make the party of Gazi the 1st party as soon as possible. For this reason, just watching TV, reading newspapers, chatting, and watching us either happily or critically is not enough. The people of Samsun and Atatürkists must take the first step today for the power in Samsun, are you ready for this? Starting tomorrow, I invite everyone in Samsun who is unhappy with this situation to join the CHP, the homeland that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk founded. Come and take charge of this situation. I invite everyone in Samsun to join the CHP, to support the party of Gazi, and to work with all your might until CHP becomes the 1st party in Samsun.’

‘Soldiers can go, but young people cannot’
Özel emphasized that the Republic was entrusted to the youth, ‘A word to the youth. Atatürk founded this party and said to the youth, ‘My body will surely turn into soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will remain eternal.’ How will we achieve this? Atatürk knew he would die, turn into soil. How can he be sure that this country will live forever, will exist? He must have entrusted it to someone. Not to the party leaders, not to the MPs, not to the mayors, not to the provincial heads. He was a soldier, a commander of the army, the Commander-in-Chief, but he did not entrust it to the soldiers and the Chief of General Staff. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk entrusted this republic only and only to the youth. Therefore, if you are upset, discouraged, thinking of leaving this country, there is no permission for that. I can leave, but you cannot. The elderly can leave, but the young cannot. Soldiers can go, but young people cannot. Because the republic is entrusted to the youth,’ he said.

Özel, after attending programs in Samsun in the evening, will hold the CHP’s Central Executive Committee meeting in Samsun tomorrow and return to Ankara.

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