Mabel Matiz and Manuş Baba gave a concert in Mersin

As part of the events organized by Mersin Metropolitan Municipality for the ‘Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day’ on May 19th, famous artists Mabel Matiz and Manuş Baba met with the youth. Mersin Metropolitan Municipality organized various activities …

Mabel Matiz and Manuş Baba gave a concert in Mersin
Publish: 19.05.2024
Updated: 02.06.2024 13:54

As part of the activities organized by Mersin Metropolitan Municipality for the ‘Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day’ on May 19th, famous artists Mabel Matiz and Manuş Baba met with the youth. Mersin Metropolitan Municipality organized beautiful events in the context of ‘Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day’. The week-long activities culminated with the performance of the popular pop artist ‘Mabel Matiz’ at Özgecan Aslan Barış Square on Adnan Menderes Boulevard and the ‘Manuş Baba’ concert held in Tarsus. Throughout the week, young people enjoyed their holiday to the fullest with colorful events, doubling their fun with concerts.
“You are our future”. Mayor Vahap Seçer addressed the youth and the people of Mersin before the Mabel Matiz concert held in the city center, congratulating everyone on the ‘Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day’. Seçer expressed, “You beautify our homeland, Mersin, with your energy and spirit. Your love, the beauty of your hearts, reflects on Mersin. We love you all. You are our future. We will protect you like the apple of our eye. For a century, we have been following the path of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. He entrusted our country to the youth so that our youth would work, be contemporary, civilized, peaceful, and reject war. He united everyone under one roof in Turkey, within these borders, bringing together Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Circassians, in the ancient Anatolian lands. He fought for the National Liberation Struggle and established the Republic of Turkey. We are all proud of him.
“May 19th is the day when the torch of liberation and independence was ignited”. Seçer emphasized that May 19th is a very important day in the history of the republic and the ‘National Liberation Struggle’. He said, “May 19th; is the day when the torch of liberation and independence was ignited. Happy holidays. We will take our country to even better places. We will be worthy of Atatürk, we will achieve contemporary civilization. We will compete in the world with science, culture, and art. We will not fight, we will love each other more, embrace each other, and support each other. Countries and societies will develop with love and respect.”
Seçer encouraged the youth to enjoy the Mabel Matiz concert and have a great time, stating, “You know Mabel Matiz is one of us, he is from Erdemli. Gems like him also emerge from Mersin. We expect from you, from Mersin, from the youth of Mersin, respected artists, athletes, and scientists in the world. You will achieve this by working hard and persevering. We trust you.”
After Seçer’s speech, the youth made heart shapes with their hands, and Mayor Seçer took a photo with the youth on stage. Mayor Seçer also sang the song ‘Shine’ with the youth holding a Turkish flag in his hand, and Özgecan Aslan Barış Square was painted red with crescent-starred Turkish flags.
The long-awaited concert of the beloved artist Mabel Matiz in Özgecan Aslan Barış Square brought the holiday spirit to its peak. The popular artist sang hit songs such as ‘Come, Blonde, Ambiguous, Antidepressant, Number Caller, Police Station, What’s the Deal’ and once again made the holiday spirit alive for the people of Mersin.
“Being gathered on such a beautiful day makes me very happy”. Mabel Matiz, the beloved figure of pop music whose every song is a hit and listened to by millions with his unique style and voice, thanked his fans, saying, “My Mersin, thank you very much. I am so excited because it has been a long time since we performed a concert together and sang together. I am very happy that we are gathered on such a beautiful day in a square. Thanks to the contributions of our Metropolitan Municipality. Happy Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth, and Sports Day.”
In Tarsus, the enthusiasm of May 19th peaked with the concert of Manuş Baba. Manuş Baba performed at the concert organized in Tarsus for May 19th. At the concert jointly organized by the Metropolitan Municipality and the Municipality of Tarsus, especially young people had the chance to have a great time. The concert at Cumhuriyet Square started with DJ Umut Kılıç and then continued with the performance of Grup Refresh Band. Manuş Baba, who took the stage in the later minutes of the night, gave thousands of citizens an unforgettable night. Mayor of Tarsus, Ali Boltaç, came on stage and presented flowers to Manuş Baba.
“We will continue with Tarsus, a city that is freedom-loving”. Mayor Ali Boltaç expressed his honor to celebrate the enthusiasm of May 19th, Atatürk, Youth, and Sports Day with the people of Tarsus, saying, “I am grateful to all of you. Together with our Metropolitan Municipality Mayor, we brought Manuş Baba. Don’t worry from now on. We will continue with Tarsus, a freedom-loving city that lives 24/7, talked about with its festivals, culture, history.”

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