Members of TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board Gathered for ‘International Women’s Day’

Members of TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board Gathered for ‘International Women’s Day’
Publish: 07.03.2024
Updated: 15.05.2024 12:19

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Women Entrepreneurs Board gathered in Ankara on the occasion of International Women’s Day. Members of the upper council of the TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board (KGK) and provincial presidents gathered in Ankara on the occasion of International Women’s Day. Chamber and commodity exchange female board presidents and members, female assembly presidents and members, and female general secretaries attended the program where the newly elected upper council members of the TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board were introduced. TOBB Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz, in his speech, stated that the roots of the chamber-commodity exchange community trace back to the Ahi Organization, emphasizing, “Just as Bacıyan-ı Rum was the women’s organization of Ahi, now our Women Entrepreneurs Board represents that.” Yavuz expressed that if entrepreneurship, women’s entrepreneurship, and women’s employment are being discussed and progress is being made in Turkey, TOBB and its Women and Youth Entrepreneur Boards play the most significant roles.

“You are the foremost example role models for aspiring entrepreneurs.” Yavuz emphasized TOBB’s and the Women and Youth Entrepreneur Boards’ significant contributions to the developments in entrepreneurship, women’s entrepreneurship, and women’s employment in Turkey, stating, “We proudly emphasize that our boards have become not only the largest entrepreneurial network in our country but also in Europe. Our TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board has always been a role model and guiding force in encouraging and developing entrepreneurship. You are the foremost example role models for aspiring entrepreneurs. We need your vision and guidance for the emergence of new entrepreneurs in Turkey. We believe that networking is one of the keys to success in business. In this regard, you actively participate in our union’s g3 Future Power Entrepreneurs Forum, which has been held continuously for 13 years. Here, we have facilitated the meeting of thousands of female entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs with Turkey’s most successful entrepreneurs.”

“Our goal is to further increase the rate of women entrepreneurs.” Yavuz highlighted that the TOBB Women and Youth Entrepreneur Boards have undertaken many successful activities to improve the skills of women for their participation in the economic life, stating, “Now our goal is to further increase the rate of women entrepreneurs. To support this, we advocate for the inclusion of products of women manufacturers in public tenders with a 15% quota, and we emphasize the encouragement of women entrepreneurs at every opportunity.” Yavuz stressed the need for more efforts to ensure that women, constituting half of the population, reach an equal level with men in the economy, stating, “With your efforts, the position of women in social life will be further strengthened, women entrepreneurs will have access to even more resources, and much more effective public policies will be implemented to develop women entrepreneurship. Today, nearly 7,000 female entrepreneurs, who are members of our board, are actively working in the field under the coordination of our chambers and commodity exchanges for this purpose. In the centenary of our Republic, we should make working and producing for a Turkey worthy of its place in history a goal.”

“Women’s participation in the workforce is an economic necessity.” TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board President Nurten Öztürk emphasized that achieving sustainable development in the economy and social life is possible with the active participation of women, who constitute half of the population, stating, “While women account for two-thirds of the total working hours worldwide, only 10% of the world’s income belongs to them. While 60 out of 100 women work in European Union countries, only 31 out of 100 women participate in production and the workforce in our country. Even when they participate, they engage in unpaid work, known as invisible labor. Women’s participation in the workforce is an economic and social necessity for the sustainability of life.”

“Economic crises and unfair growth will be rectified by women’s involvement in the workforce.” Öztürk emphasized the importance of women in the economy, stating, “Economic crises and unfair growth worldwide will be rectified by women’s involvement in the workforce. If women contribute to the economy on par with men, the gross domestic product will grow, poverty will decrease, decision-making processes will shorten, social life will improve, and world peace will strengthen.” After the speeches, TOBB Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz, TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board (KGK) President Nurten Öztürk, and KGK upper council members and provincial presidents were photographed together.

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