Cancer-focused Congress in Tunceli

A congress focused on cancer research held in Tunceli brings together healthcare professionals. Details about the event, where the latest developments related to cancer will be shared, are here!

Cancer-focused Congress in Tunceli
Publish: 12.05.2024

The “IX. Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress” held at Tunceli Munzur University brought up the proposal to establish a cancer laboratory in the city.

Congress Details

The ninth congress organized by the Molecular Cancer Research Association (MOKAD) took place under the hosting of Munzur University. The congress commenced with the words of Assistant Professor Dr. Aziz Erdoğan and Eser Gündüz.

Opening Speeches

Speaking at the opening of the congress, the Rector of Munzur University, Prof. Dr. Kenan Peker, mentioned the possibility of establishing a cancer research laboratory in the city. The President of MOKAD, Prof. Dr. Engin Ulukaya, emphasized the importance of holding the congress in Tunceli.

Scientific Presentations

Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk Bayrak from Yeditepe University shared important information on the pathophysiology of cancer. Among the presentations throughout the day, the study on exosomes by Associate Professor Dr. Zelal Adıgüzel from Koç University also stood out.

At the end of the IX. Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress, an award ceremony was held, and young researcher Eray Metin Güler received an award.

  • The congress continued with a violin recital by Dr. Uğur Çit from the music department.
  • The suggestion for the X. Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress to be held in Van next year, the gala, and the trip to Ovacık district concluded the event.

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