Turkish Legal Revolution Summit and Cooperation in Samsun
Details of the event ‘Turkish Legal Revolution Summit and Cooperation’ in Samsun and information about the participants. Current information about innovations and collaborations in the field of law.

Chief Public Prosecutor of Samsun: Universities are the Locomotives of Cities
Chief Public Prosecutor of Samsun, Mehmet Sabri Kılıç, stated, ‘Universities are the locomotives of cities. They are the ones that advance and develop cities. In my opinion, the law faculties are the locomotives of universities.’ Kılıç shared these views at the ‘Turkish Legal Revolution Summit’ held at Samsun Courthouse.
Dean of OMU Faculty of Law: We Will Relive the Turkish Legal Revolution in 2023
Dean of Ali Fuad Başgil Faculty of Law at Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMU), Prof. Dr. Hasan Tahsin Keçeligil, said, ‘2023 was the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. We, as a faculty, participated in various activities. We will experience the Turkish Legal Revolution once again.’
President of Samsun Bar Association: Collaboration Will Continue
President of Samsun Bar Association, Lawyer Pınar Gürsel Yıldıran, stated, ‘As the Bar Association, we conduct many trainings in this hall. We have jointly organized a program with Samsun Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Faculty of Law. There will be more to come. This will contribute to us and guide the students at the Faculty of Law.’
- A conference on the ‘Turkish Legal Revolution Summit’ was held at Samsun Courthouse.
- Lectures on the Turkish Legal Revolution were given by Faculty Members of the Faculty of Law.
- The program started with a moment of silence and the National Anthem.