Winter Season is Harsh in Bahçesaray

In Bahçesaray, winter signifies a challenging period with harsh weather conditions. This content delves into the winter landscapes and life in Bahçesaray in detail.

Winter Season is Harsh in Bahçesaray
Publish: 09.05.2024

The effects of winter are still being felt in the district of Bahçesaray in Van. In the first week of May, stoves are still being lit in the district, where temperatures drop below zero at nights, making the warmth of stoves a necessity.

In the geographically high-altitude region of Bahçesaray at 1,870 meters, unlike other regions with high temperatures, winter is quite harsh. The fact that stoves set up in November are still in use highlights the challenging weather conditions of the district.

Muzaffer Demirtaş, who runs a tea house, mentions that he has not turned off the stove he lit in November so that customers do not feel cold. Demirtaş says, “Winter in Bahçesaray is more challenging compared to other regions. We have to transition directly from winter to summer without experiencing spring. Temperatures drop below zero, and we experience rainy and cold days. Therefore, we have to light stoves to warm our customers,” he says.

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