Every organ donation is a new hope

The Erzincan Health Directorate highlighted the importance of organ donation on the occasion of the Organ Donation Week from November 3-9. Diseases that can only be treated through organ and tissue transplantation are significant health issues in our country, as they are around the world.

Every organ donation is a new hope
Publish: 04.11.2024

The Erzincan Health Directorate emphasized the importance of organ donation in light of the Organ Donation Week, which takes place from November 3 to 9.

It was stated that diseases that can only be treated through organ and tissue transplants are a significant health issue in our country, as they are worldwide. The Erzincan Health Directorate made the following statement regarding the matter:

“Organ transplantation is the process of transferring a healthy organ from a living donor or a deceased person to replace an organ in the body that is not functioning properly.

When a person allows their tissues and organs to be used for the treatment of other patients after their medical life has ended, through their free will while they are alive and documents this, it is considered organ donation. It should be remembered that every donation is a new life. The Religious Affairs Administration’s High Council on Religious Affairs has stated that organ transplantation is permissible and has defined organ donation as the greatest help one human can offer another.

In our country, organ donations are made under the control and supervision of the Ministry of Health. Organ distribution is conducted in the fairest and most transparent manner through the “Turkey Organ and Tissue Transplant Information System.”

What is organ-tissue donation?

Organ donation is when a person voluntarily bequeaths part or all of their organs to be used after their death for the treatment of other patients. Everyone over the age of 18 who is mentally sound can donate organs and tissues.

Can the organs and tissues of everyone who donates be used?

Even if organ donation has been made, organ transplantation is not possible after every death. For example, organs of those who have died in their homes, on the streets, in emergency services, or in any hospital ward cannot be used for organ donation in our country.

Only the organs of those who have died while connected to a ventilator in intensive care units, meaning those who have experienced brain death, can be transplanted.

What is brain death, and how is it diagnosed?

In brain death, brain functions are entirely lost, and there is no turning back; death has occurred completely and definitively, and this should not be confused with a vegetative state. Certain tests must be conducted to diagnose brain death. Based on the results of these tests, two specialized physicians will determine whether brain death has occurred, and this decision will then be communicated to the family.

Is family permission required whether or not there is an organ donation card?

Regardless of whether there is an organ donation card, families of all cases where brain death has occurred must be consulted. This discussion is carried out by the organ transplant coordinator. No one’s organs can be taken or used without family consent.

Can the organs taken be transplanted to anyone?

Transplantation processes are carried out by the National Coordination System under the Ministry of Health, and all procedures are documented and recorded. Organ distribution is conducted based on medical urgency among those registered on the national waiting lists, according to blood and tissue group compatibility. There is no discrimination based on religion, language, race, gender, or wealth status. The identity information of the recipient and donor cannot be disclosed without the family’s permission. Confidentiality is legally fundamental.

Is advanced age or chronic illness an obstacle to organ donation?

Being older, having a chronic illness, smoking, or drinking alcohol, and similar reasons do not prevent organ donation.

Can a person withdraw from organ donation after it has been made?

When a person decides to withdraw from organ donation, it is sufficient to share this new decision with the family, cancel it through the E-Government system, and destroy the organ donation card.

Is there a religious objection?

The Religious Affairs Administration’s High Council on Religious Affairs has defined organ donation as the greatest help one human can offer another. With its decision dated 06.03.1980 and numbered 396, it has stated that organ transplantation is permissible. The Quran states in Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 32: “Whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.”

Where should one apply for organ donation?

Provincial or District Health Directorates, State Hospitals, University Hospitals, Private Hospitals, Family Medicine Centers, Community Health Centers.

What is the legal aspect of organ donation?

The legal aspect of organ donation is specified in the law numbered 2238 dated 29.05.1979. Accordingly:

Article 6: To obtain organs and tissues from any person who has reached the age of 18 and is sane, the donor must have given their written and privileged consent, in the presence of at least two witnesses, or verbally expressed and signed in front of at least two witnesses, which must be approved by a physician.

Article 14: If a person has not stated in an official or written will that their entire body or tissues are to be used for treatment or scientific purposes, or has not declared this in front of two witnesses, the organ and tissue can be taken from the deceased with the consent of their spouse, adult children, parents, or siblings in that order; if they are not available, it can be taken with the approval of any relative present.

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