Conference on “Our Prophet and Character Building” in Tavşanlı

A conference on the topic “Our Prophet and Character Building” was organized by the Faculty of Applied Sciences of Tavşanlı, Tavşanlı Vocational School, and the Tavşanlı Mufti’s Office. The speaker was Dr. İrfan Açık, the Provincial Mufti of Kütahya.

Conference on “Our Prophet and Character Building” in Tavşanlı
Publish: 18.10.2024

A conference on “Our Prophet and Character Building” was organized by the Faculty of Applied Sciences of Tavşanlı, Tavşanlı Vocational School, and the Tavşanlı Muftiate.

The event featured Kütahya Provincial Mufti Dr. İrfan Açık as a speaker, and was attended by Tavşanlı District Governor Hayrettin Baskın, Tavşanlı District Mufti Mevlüt Hakan Asan, Muftiate Branch Managers Fatih Eroğlu and Fikret Yıldız, along with the academic and administrative staff of the faculty and vocational school, muftiate personnel, and students from the faculty and vocational school.

The conference began with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem, followed by a recitation of the Quran by Sadullah Ordu, the Imam of Killik Mosque. MYO Director Prof. Dr. İsmet Çelik, who delivered the opening speech by conveying the greetings from DPÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kızıltoprak and TUBİF Dean Prof. Dr. Aydın Kayabaşı, thanked Kütahya Provincial Mufti Dr. İrfan Açık and District Mufti Mevlüt Hakan Asan for organizing the event together. He emphasized that when students need information and support on spiritual matters, our state’s religious personnel and spiritual advisors in state dormitories are always there for them.

After the opening speech, Kütahya Provincial Mufti Dr. İrfan Açık gave his talk on “Our Prophet and Character Building.” In his speech, Dr. Açık explained the reliability and morality possessed by our Prophet (P.B.U.H.), and illustrated his call to all humanity for faith and good morals, his invitation to worship and salvation, his guidance towards unity and brotherhood, and his call for goodness and piety with examples. He stated that the word “irshat,” which means leading to the right path, gains meaning through the life, traditions, and hadiths of our Prophet. He noted that if young people integrate these moral values into their daily lives, they will have stronger characters. Açık expressed that they will always be there for our youth in their spiritual needs and in the programs determined with school administrations.

The conference, which was followed with great interest, concluded with the taking of souvenir photos and a thank you to the speaker, Kütahya Mufti Dr. İrfan Açık.

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