Seven models for sustainable agricultural production

The introduction of the new support model under the 2027 plant production supports and Agricultural Production Planning is ongoing. Denizli Provincial Director of Agriculture Şakir Çınar provided accurate information to producers about strategic products and increasing supports.

Seven models for sustainable agricultural production
Publish: 14.09.2024

The introduction of the new support model within the scope of the 2027 plant production supports and Agricultural Production Planning continues. Denizli Provincial Director of Agriculture Şakir Çınar emphasized the importance of accessing accurate information about strategic products and increased supports, stating that sustainability in agricultural production is the goal.

An information meeting was held in Buldan regarding the ‘New Support Model’ under the Plant Production Supports to be implemented between 2025-2027, which was published in the Official Gazette dated August 29, 2024, and the ‘Agricultural Production Planning’ that came into force with the publication in the Official Gazette dated September 14, 2023. The meeting was attended by Buldan District Governor Turan Erdoğan, Denizli Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Şakir Çınar, Buldan District Director Serdal Uğur, Chamber of Agriculture President Muammer Al, Buldan neighborhood muhtars, cooperative presidents, representatives of various NGOs, and producers. The new support model for plant and animal production was discussed in detail at the meeting.

“It is very important for our producers to access accurate information”
During the meeting, Denizli Provincial Director of Agriculture and Forestry Şakir Çınar emphasized the importance of Agricultural Production Planning and supports. Çınar elaborated on the strategic products determined, particularly in Buldan, and the supports provided for these products within the framework of the plant production plan. “Fuel and fertilizer support have not been removed; on the contrary, they have been increased. Similarly, livestock supports were also explained in detail,” he said. Alongside the new support model, the support rates for 13 strategic products and fodder crops designated by the ministry were discussed at the meeting. Çınar stated that farmers would receive more support if they produced within the planning framework, highlighting the significance of accessing accurate information and not believing in false information. He warned, “It is essential to be cautious against unfounded news spread, particularly on social media.”

“We aim to ensure sustainability in production”
Şakir Çınar, the Provincial Director, stated that they are always on the side of producers as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, saying, “I would like to emphasize once again that we are supporters of production and producers. We aim to ensure sustainability in agricultural production by working hand in hand with our producers.” Later, Buldan District Governor Turan Erdoğan stated that the new support model aims to make agricultural production more sustainable, improve correct product selection, increase the incomes of our producers, and enhance the competitive power of the country’s agriculture, thanking for the efforts carried out by the Provincial Directorate under the motto of New Era in Agriculture.

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