Intense interest in AKSEM courses

SAMSUN (IHA) – Women showing great interest in the courses offered by the Atakum Municipality Culture, Art and Education Center (AKSEM) in Samsun are requesting space to present their additional work areas and sell their products.

Intense interest in AKSEM courses
Publish: 21.08.2024

SAMSUN (IHA) – Women who have shown great interest in the courses offered by the Atakum Municipality Culture, Art and Education Center (AKSEM) throughout the city are requesting space to showcase and sell their products.

The Atakum Municipality Culture, Art and Education Center organizes various special courses for women such as feretiko, visual arts, sewing, and gift design across its branches in the city. The courses, organized in collaboration with the Atakum Public Education Center, provide participants the opportunity to evaluate their potentials and engage in production. Şeref Aydın, the Director of Culture and Social Affairs at Atakum Municipality, and his team visited the AKSEM Atatepe Branch to meet with the women producers. The women expressed their satisfaction with the services provided by the center and thanked Atakum Mayor Serhat Türkel for his support.

Due to the high demand, women are seeking markets for new training areas and products, emphasizing that the courses offer opportunities to improve their hand skills and participate in production. Nurcan İncedayı, a participant from the Atatepe Branch, stated, “We are very pleased with the courses. Currently, there is a basket weaving and sewing course. The number of participants in the course is very high. We want new working areas such as prefabricated houses, caravans, and small cabins. We are very satisfied with the courses. I am doing basket weaving and started the course for the first time. I came saying ‘I can’t do it,’ but with our teacher’s support, we are creating beautiful things. Thank you.” Meanwhile, Necibe Hanım stated, “They are very kind, may God bless them. We really didn’t know our skills; everything emerged thanks to our teacher. We want this work to be promoted and expanded. We are women who don’t work, maybe there will be job opportunities for us.”

Nacide Yavuz said, “I have been attending the sewing course for 2-3 years. We are learning beautiful things. We have created beautiful clothes. We wear them all.” Hülya Şaşmaz remarked, “I have been participating in public education courses here for a few years. I had some knowledge, but we gained better information about both patterns and ready-to-wear. Right now, we are producing very beautiful products. It feels like therapy for housewives. We are in favor of spreading and further developing these activities.”

“We are waiting for you to our courses”

Speaking about the activities, basket weaving course instructor Sahibe Sarıbulut said, “Our courses continue for people, especially women, to discover themselves. Our students are talented and valuable. We welcome anyone who wants to contribute to the household economy and showcase their skills to our courses. There is also a very nice environment for the socialization of our women.” Sewing instructor Hatice Koç added: “In our daily activities, we start from zero sewing. We produce every type of clothing including daily outfits, evening dresses, sportswear, sweatshirts, jackets, and outerwear with our customized patterns and designs. First, we teach. Then we produce. Our trainings are quite intensive.”

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