DSO hosted the Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Council meeting

The 3rd ordinary meeting of the Denizli Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Council for the year 2024 was held at the Denizli Chamber of Commerce. The meeting, chaired by Denizli Governor Ömer Faruk Coşkun and hosted by DSO President Selim Kasapoğlu, addressed …

DSO hosted the Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Council meeting
Publish: 23.07.2024
Updated: 18.08.2024 11:42

The 3rd regular meeting of the Denizli Provincial Employment and Vocational Training Board for the year 2024 was held at the Denizli Chamber of Commerce. Important decisions were made regarding employment and vocational training during the meeting chaired by Denizli Governor Ömer Faruk Coşkun and hosted by DSO President Selim Kasapoğlu.

The meeting was attended by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Secretary General Bülent Bozbaş, Head of the Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations at Pamukkale University Prof. Dr. Oğuz Karadeniz, Provincial Director of National Education Dr. Emre Çalışkan, Provincial Director of Employment and Job Agency Fatih Işık, Provincial Director of Industry and Technology Sefa Gökalp, Provincial Director of Commerce Cihat Özdemir, GEKA Secretary General Özgür Akdoğan, as well as representatives from civil society organizations and provincial directors who are members of the board.

The meeting was organized to identify the labor force, employment, and vocational training needs of Denizli, create local policies, plan and make decisions to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational training and employment in vocational and technical education schools and institutions as well as businesses, and to provide opinions and suggestions to the relevant institutions and organizations. The meeting began with an opening speech by Board President Governor Ömer Faruk Coşkun.

In his speech, Governor Coşkun stated, “We continue to work together to train qualified labor, increase employment, and ensure the participation of all segments, including disadvantaged groups, in the workforce in Denizli. We place great importance on education and employment so that our young and dynamic population can progress into the future with stronger steps. Thank you for your participation. I wish our meeting and the decisions taken to be beneficial.”

The meeting continued with a presentation by Provincial Director of Employment and Job Agency Fatih Işık. Director Işık emphasized the importance of holding the meeting in different institutions that are stakeholders in the subject, and provided information on key labor force indicators in the city, current employment and unemployment data, open job positions in the industry, and placement rates. In the meeting, comparisons were made between Turkey averages, Denizli, and regional data, highlighting that the employment rate of women in Denizli is high, significantly contributed by the textile and apparel sector, and evaluated the shares of female and male employees. The meeting addressed information on the future demanded jobs and focused on new project applications and the continuity of grant projects supported in previous years. During the sectoral evaluations, Board Members shared their opinions on existing problems and proposed solutions.

Expressing his satisfaction that the meeting was held at the Denizli Chamber of Commerce, President Selim Kasapoğlu said, “The employment problem is the most important issue for industry. We are having difficulty finding personnel to work. The work of our Board is very important for solving this problem. As the Chamber of Commerce, we are ready to contribute to the development of our city and the resolution of the problems in our industry.”

After discussing the agenda items, the meeting ended with the sharing of wishes and suggestions.

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