Not every aesthetic procedure may be suitable for summer.
Prof. Dr. Çil, a Medical Aesthetic Specialist, states that aesthetic surgical procedures can be performed in every season, but some seasons may be more suitable for specific aesthetic procedures. “Procedures like facelift surgery, which involve our face and neck, require serious…”

Medical Aesthetic Specialist Prof. Dr. Çil stated that aesthetic surgical procedures can be performed in every season, but some seasons may be more suitable for specific aesthetic procedures. “Aesthetic surgical procedures that involve serious interventions on our face and neck, such as face and neck lift surgery, may not be suitable in the summer season. It may be more appropriate to perform such procedures in the colder seasons when we can more easily protect ourselves from sunlight,” he said.
Prof. Dr. Yakup Çil from ISU Medical Park Gaziosmanpaşa Hospital made statements about aesthetic procedures performed during the summer period and what precautions should be taken.
“Protecting from sunlight is important”
Prof. Dr. Çil noted that aesthetic surgical procedures can be performed in every season, but some seasons may be more suitable for specific aesthetic procedures. He said, “Aesthetic surgical procedures that involve serious interventions on our face and neck, such as face and neck lift surgery, may not be suitable in the summer season. Such procedures may be more appropriate in colder seasons when we can more easily protect ourselves from sunlight. Permanent color changes may occur in the surgical area of the face and neck, which are directly exposed to sunlight and difficult to protect. The surgical incision areas may heal with a darker color. Therefore, more prominent and permanent surgical scars may be present.”
“Special sunglasses should be preferred”
Prof. Dr. Çil shared the following information regarding what individuals who have undergone aesthetic procedures on their face and neck should pay attention to during the summer period: “We must appropriately apply sunscreen on our face and neck. It may be beneficial to use wide-brimmed hats to prevent our face from being directly exposed to sunlight. Special sunglasses designed to protect the eye area can be very helpful.”
“Avoid sunbathing after liposuction”
Addressing the precautions to be taken for aesthetic procedures performed on body areas during the summer months, Prof. Dr. Çil said, “We should protect the areas of liposuction (fat removal), which is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic procedures, from sunlight. The bruising that occurs in our body after liposuction surgery, known as ecchymosis, heals on its own within 2-3 weeks. If we start sunbathing on the beaches and coasts too early during this period, permanent color changes may occur in those areas. Wearing the special corsets after liposuction surgery may cause more discomfort in the summer heat. It becomes very difficult to comply with these corsets during the period when swelling, known as edema, is easing. If our compliance with wearing a corset decreases significantly due to the hot weather and we do not want to wear one, wearing tight underwear and snug leggings may be beneficial.”
“Recommendations for those who have breast aesthetics”
Prof. Dr. Çil also provided warnings for individuals who have undergone breast aesthetic procedures, stating, “If we have had breast aesthetics, we should not sunbathe with our upper body exposed to tan. If we sunbathe, permanent scars and color changes may occur in the aesthetic breast surgery areas. It is advisable to wear a bra that protects the surgical incision areas from sunlight.”
“Eye area should also be protected from sunlight”
Prof. Dr. Çil emphasized that individuals who prefer eyelid aesthetics should protect themselves from sunlight, stating, “To prevent permanent scars and color changes due to sunlight on the eyelids, it may be beneficial to use wide-framed sunglasses and hats of appropriate size as much as possible. After botox and filler applications on the face, it will also be useful to use appropriate sunglasses, hats, and sunscreens to avoid permanent color changes.”
“Appropriate precautions should be taken”
Prof. Dr. Çil concluded his statements by saying, “As a result, while all aesthetic procedures can be performed in every season, it would be beneficial to take appropriate precautions and pay more attention to sunlight to avoid potential color changes and permanent, prominent surgical scars that may occur in the surgical areas during the summer period.”