(Private) They will cultivate idle productive lands and contribute to the economy.

With the support of diesel and equipment from the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, unproductive lands in the mountainous region will be brought into the economy. Sinan Yalçın, the headman of Gököz Village, which stands out with its natural beauty in the Keles district, mentioned that unused fields in 4 neighboring villages…

(Private) They will cultivate idle productive lands and contribute to the economy.
Publish: 21.07.2024

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, with the support of diesel and equipment, will make previously idle and unproductive lands in the mountainous region economically viable. Sinan Yalçın, the headman of Gököz Village, which stands out with its natural beauty in the Keles district, stated that they will generate added value for the economy by cultivating unused fields in four neighboring villages. Bursa Metropolitan Mayor Mustafa Bozbey also announced that they will provide diesel and equipment support through the Agricultural Inc. (Tarım AŞ). The villagers’ initial goal is to establish cooperatives and produce at the lowest possible costs.

Stating that they have taken action with Agricultural Inc. to reintroduce empty and idle lands into the economy, Headman Sinan Yalçın mentioned that they would also receive diesel and equipment support from the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality. He expressed that they will act with the consent of landowners in Gököz and the surrounding four villages and said, “With the support we will receive from neighboring villages, we plan to cultivate these idle lands, contribute to the economy, and make payments to landowners in the form of wheat or flour at certain rates. This project has been positively received by Bursa Metropolitan Mayor Mustafa Bozbey. The most valuable thing we can do in rural areas is to return to our roots. In this regard, we aim to reintroduce our wheat and barley products and increase the value of those lands with the contributions that will come from there. At this point, we believe that we will undertake beautiful projects in the ongoing process.”

“We expect support for wheat and diesel”

Yalçın pointed out that the driving force that will motivate them will be meeting the demands for diesel and wheat for equipment costs, planting, and sowing. He said, “Ninety percent, or even ninety-five percent, of our village and the surrounding lands are idle. We are currently in the preparation stage of the project. We have conducted its feasibility study. We have started a cooperative initiative related to agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, irrigation, and construction. With the support we will receive, our goal is to demonstrate that our lands here are valuable. We aim to lead and contribute to our elderly population, who can no longer engage in labor, and add value to them.”

“We will pave the way for return to villages”

Yalçın stated that both the villagers and Turkey will benefit from the support and continued his remarks: “If we can convey the value of our lands and fields, I believe that there will be a return to our villages alongside the earthquake risk. The most valuable thing right now is actually production. Over time, we see that we have transitioned from a producing society to a consuming society. Even if we have money tomorrow, we will not be able to find food items to buy. We have requested support from institutions related to this process. Our aim is to minimize expenses and to act collectively in a cooperative manner. Our greatest goal is to cultivate and make valuable the idle lands here and contribute to the economy. We need a driving force. By preparing projects with the Metropolitan Municipality, we will receive support for diesel, harvesters, and if necessary, tractors. Both our farmers, our district, and Bursa will benefit.”

Bursa Metropolitan Mayor Mustafa Bozbey, who met with citizens, stated, “Our citizens living in this region say that this area should develop and have more investment. Our children and grandchildren living in the city want to come and live here, and they are absolutely right. We have special projects for the mountainous region. We wish to evaluate the geothermal areas here; we place great importance on rural tourism. Alongside this, we want to develop animal husbandry and agriculture. For example, cherries are one of the most important products of the district. I was extremely pleased with this year’s harvest, which is around 20,000 tons. It is a quality cherry that everyone should taste. Our desire is for our district to develop in line with these values. Today, we provided support for hay and sheep to our farmers. We are preparing to provide diesel and seed support not only here but in all our regions, and we will also support in the matter of spraying. We are striving to increase the incomes of those engaged in farming and animal husbandry in the city. We will be alongside them and provide support for this purpose.”

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