Tepebaşı Climate Scouts experienced the excitement of camp.

The little scouts participating in the Tepebaşı Climate Scouts Program experienced a 6-day camp this time. In addition to many activities at the camp, an oath ceremony was also held. The Tepebaşı Municipality’s Climate Change and Zero Waste Directorate conducted the Tepebaşı …

Tepebaşı Climate Scouts experienced the excitement of camp.
Publish: 15.11.2024

The little scouts participating in the Tepebaşı Climate Scouts Program experienced a 6-day camp this time. In addition to various activities at the camp, an oath ceremony was also held.

As part of the Tepebaşı Climate Scouts Program carried out by the Tepebaşı Municipality’s Directorate of Climate Change and Zero Waste, the “Climate Scouts” program, which aims to instill awareness of nature, environment, and climate change in children, continues.

To make the children’s mid-term holiday more productive, the camp program held from November 9 to 15 concluded with colorful scenes. At the camp held at the Tepebaşı Municipality’s Keskin Experienced Cafe, children had the opportunity to experience the knowledge they learned in previous trainings in nature.

A total of 65 scouts aged between 9 and 15 participated in the camp, including returning students from previous years and new students. The action-packed camp program included scout knots, scout songs and marches, station activities teaching radio operation, games, campfire activities, and nature walks. The little scouts also prepared an Atatürk corner to commemorate the 86th anniversary of the passing of the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk through their activities.

An oath ceremony was held

Additionally, 23 children took their scouting oaths at the camp area during the oath ceremony. Suat Yalnızoğlu, the Deputy Mayor of Tepebaşı, who visited the camp area to watch the scout oath ceremony, also poured water on the necks of the students as a tradition and presented them with their certificates.

Speaking here, Yalnızoğlu said, “As you know, scouting is a culture that can be learned through practice. Therefore, it was very important for you to experience this camp process. I would like to thank the families who entrusted their children to us, relying on our Mayor Ahmet Ataç. I wish the new term to be beneficial.”

The little scouts participating in the program expressed, “I wasn’t very brave before and I was a bit shy. Scouting played a significant role in overcoming this shyness. Additionally, we gained nature skills in this camp. For the first time, we chopped wood on our own. Scouting is wonderful for us. It means spending time together and learning new things. It feels like a very fun club. We met new people and engaged in many enjoyable activities such as fire dances and farewell waltzes.”

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