Karatay Municipality continues to strengthen the health infrastructure of the district.

The protocol for the ‘Karatay 1st Fahriye-Yaşar Oğuz 112 Emergency Health Services Station’, which will be established in the Arabalar Neighborhood under the leadership of the central Karatay District Municipality of Konya, was signed by Karatay Mayor Hasan Kılca, Konya Provincial Health Director Mehmet Koç …

Karatay Municipality continues to strengthen the health infrastructure of the district.
Publish: 15.11.2024

The protocol for the ‘Karatay 1st Fahriye-Yaşar Oğuz 112 Emergency Health Services Station’, which will be established in the Araplar neighborhood under the leadership of the central Karatay District Municipality of Konya, was signed by Karatay Mayor Hasan Kılca, Konya Provincial Health Director Mehmet Koç, and philanthropist Serhan Oğuz.

Thanks to the great efforts of the Karatay Municipality, another health center will be built in Karatay, which has gained many health investments, especially in recent years. In this context, the protocol for the Karatay 1st Fahriye-Yaşar Oğuz Emergency Health Services Station, which will be established in the district through the land allocation by Karatay Municipality, was signed by Karatay Mayor Hasan Kılca, Konya Provincial Health Director Prof. Dr. Mehmet Koç, and philanthropist Serhan Oğuz.

“Our district has practically become a hub for health services”
Speaking at the protocol signing ceremony held at Karatay Municipality, Mayor Hasan Kılca stated that the number of health investments such as family health centers, emergency health services, and healthy living centers is increasing every day in Karatay. Mayor Kılca said, “Some of the health investments realized in our district are carried out with the support of our Ministry of Health, some with the contributions of our philanthropic citizens, and some with our own resources as a municipality. Especially with the establishment of Konya City Hospital in our region, Karatay has practically become a hub for health services. The contributions of our philanthropists in this process are valuable and significant. In this context, we are establishing the Karatay 1st Fahriye-Yaşar Oğuz 112 Emergency Health Services Station in the Araplar neighborhood, with the contributions of the Provincial Health Directorate and our philanthropist. I wish our health investment, which will serve our Konya, our Karatay, and our fellow citizens for many years, to be auspicious; I extend my thanks to our provincial health directorate and our philanthropist who contributed to this effort.”

Emphasizing that the Konya model in health services is functioning smoothly, Konya Provincial Health Director Prof. Dr. Mehmet Koç stated: “In our province, health services are carried out with a special model. With the coordination of our Ministry, our municipality, and our philanthropists, we are in exemplary cooperation regarding land acquisition, construction of additional buildings, and provision of other services. Today, we are adding a new link to this example. The construction of the Karatay 1st Fahriye-Yaşar Oğuz 112 Emergency Health Services Station to be built in the Araplar neighborhood has been undertaken by our philanthropist Serhan Oğuz, who named it after his parents. As our Mayor has expressed, we have planned a good health investment for Karatay in such a way that there will be no need or deficiency in our district. This project was also planned at a point where there is a need and traffic, with the land allocation of our Karatay Municipality. So far, 7 out of the 11 health centers established in the district have been provided land by Karatay Municipality, especially in the most beautiful and needed areas. Our municipality has undertaken the construction of many health centers. Again, our municipality has made significant contributions to the centers built by our philanthropists. Not stopping there, Karatay Municipality has also carried out the landscaping of the centers that have been established. Therefore, our municipality is indeed providing important services in this area. On this occasion, I would like to thank our Karatay Mayor Hasan Kılca and our philanthropist who are always by our side in every project.”

After the speeches, the protocol prepared for the construction of the Karatay 1st Fahriye-Yaşar Oğuz 112 Emergency Health Services Station was signed by Karatay Mayor Hasan Kılca, Konya Provincial Health Director Prof. Dr. Mehmet Koç, and philanthropist Serhan Oğuz.

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