Fast food habits are lowering the age of diabetes.
Acıbadem Kayseri Hospital Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases Specialist Dr. Esra Karakaş stated that the changing lifestyle has lowered the age of onset for diabetes, saying, “Sedentary lifestyles and fast food consumption are causing diabetes in young people…

Dr. Esra Karakaş, a specialist in Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases at Acıbadem Kayseri Hospital, stated that the changing lifestyle has lowered the age at which diabetes occurs, saying, “Sedentary lifestyle and fast food are causing diabetes in young people.”
Stating that diabetes is fundamentally a vascular disease and affects all organs through which the vessels pass, Dr. Esra Karakaş said, “In diabetes, there is an increase in blood sugar levels. In diabetic patients, there are some problems with the pancreas’s insulin production, leading to elevated blood sugar levels. Essentially, diabetes is a vascular disease. It arises from the excess sugar in the blood circulating in the vessels. The vessel wall becomes inflamed, leading to related problems. As a result, problems can arise in every organ through which the blood vessel passes, from the kidney to the heart due to the deterioration of the vessel.”
“Excess weight can disrupt body mechanisms”
Dr. Esra Karakaş emphasized that among the symptoms are excessive thirst, frequent urination, unintended weight loss, weight loss despite excessive eating, dry mouth, fatigue, frequent nighttime urination, cramps, and blurred vision, and continued her remarks:
“Individuals who notice these symptoms should consult a specialist, especially to have their blood sugar measured. Unfortunately, diabetes is a very common disease in our country. In the past, we observed it more frequently in the middle-aged population, but recently it has started to be seen more often in young people as well. The probable reasons for this are the increasing sedentary lifestyle, screen addiction, and fast food consumption, along with a higher intake of calorie-dense foods, unconscious carbohydrate consumption, and excessive consumption of processed foods containing additives, which causes disproportionate increases in blood sugar. Changes in lifestyle, such as inactivity, lead to greater weight gain and more fat tissue accumulation. As a result of fat tissue accumulation, some mechanisms in the body, such as insulin resistance, may experience disruptions.”
“It is seen even in those without a family history”
Karakaş stated that the disease is normally more related to family history but has started to be seen more frequently among young people independently of family history in recent years, saying, “Insulin resistance causes an increase in blood sugar over time. It is particularly more risky for individuals with a family history of diabetes. However, in recent years, we have observed an increase in the frequency of diabetes in individuals without a family history. The reasons for this are thought to be changing lifestyles, consumption of processed foods, and inactivity. When we look at the risk groups for diabetes, patients with a family history of diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome, and those who are overweight should be more cautious. Aside from these factors, diabetes can also frequently occur in patients taking medications that raise blood sugar levels,” she explained.
“There are 2 types of diabetes”
Dr. Karakaş stated that there are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2, saying, “Type 2 is a more commonly encountered form of diabetes. We see it more in the 30-40 age group, but in recent years, Type 2 diabetes has also started to appear in young people. Type 1 diabetes is mainly due to insulin deficiency, while Type 2 diabetes develops more on the basis of insulin resistance. The only treatment for Type 1 diabetes is insulin, as absolute insulin deficiency develops. In Type 2 diabetes, we mainly use medication treatments.”
Highlighting that the frequency of diabetes has increased not only in individuals with a family history of diabetes but also in those with diseases such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia, Dr. Karakaş continued:
“Moreover, diabetes is also seen more frequently in individuals living in certain geographical areas, apart from specific genetic backgrounds. For example, Type 1 diabetes is more commonly observed in Finland, while in countries like ours, where the prevalence of obesity has increased, Type 2 diabetes is more frequently observed along with obesity. Unfortunately, at present, our country is the one where diabetes is most frequently seen in Europe. The primary reasons for this are the changing lifestyle, increased inactivity, and the higher presence of convenience foods in our lives, along with the high consumption of carbohydrates like bread and pastries.”