President Yalım issued a message on November 10.
Uşak Mayor Özkan Yalım released a message on the occasion of November 10, Atatürk Memorial Day. In his message, Mayor Yalım stated that November 10 is important not only to commemorate Atatürk but also to understand him and his ideas.
Uşak Mayor Özkan Yalım published a message on the occasion of November 10, Commemoration of Atatürk Day. In his message, Mayor Yalım stated that November 10 is important not only to commemorate Atatürk but also to understand him and his ideas, emphasizing that we owe a lot to the Great Leader who achieved a glorious victory alongside the Turkish Nation through a superior struggle. Mayor Yalım continued his message as follows: “Today marks the 86th anniversary of the departure of our Republic’s founder, Great Leader Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The intelligence, foresight, and determination of our ancestor, who was our first President and first Commander-in-Chief, have always illuminated our path. He raised a society that was trying to be trapped in the dusty pages of history and instilled in them the belief in victory, preparing them for the struggle. The unique hero Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who wrote his name in golden letters in Turkish and world history with his achievements, will always live in the hearts of the Turkish Nation; he will never be forgotten. Our duty is to protect his works, especially the Republic of Turkey, which he called ‘My Greatest Work,’ and to work tirelessly together to elevate our country to higher levels in the light of his ideas. With the hope of reaching modern and contemporary tomorrows where our Republic remains everlasting; I commemorate our Great Leader, who fought for the independence and sovereignty of our noble nation throughout his life, and all the martyrs who accompanied him on this path with mercy; I express my gratitude to all our veterans who have written epics with their heroism.