President Güngör; “The quality that made Atatürk a leader and commander who left a mark on history is his faith in his nation.”
AK Party Denizli Provincial Chairman Yücel Güngör commemorated the 86th anniversary of the death of the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, with respect and gratitude, stating, “Every November 10, as we remember the passing of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish nation …

The President of the AK Party in Denizli, Yücel Güngör, commemorated the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, on the 86th anniversary of his passing with mercy and gratitude, stating, “Every November 10, as we commemorate the eternal passing of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, our greatest duty as the Turkish nation is to ensure the development of our homeland in unity and solidarity, to make it grow even more, and to ensure that it remains everlasting.”
President Güngör, who remembered Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic and the commander-in-chief of the War of Independence, with mercy on the 86th anniversary of his passing, said, “I pray to Allah for all the martyrs, veterans, and heroes who fought for these lands to become a homeland and gave their lives without blinking an eye. We will continue to work with all our strength to elevate the Republic established by Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk above the level of contemporary civilization. Our greatest duty as the Turkish nation is, as Atatürk stated, ‘My humble body will surely become soil one day, but the Republic of Turkey will remain everlasting.’ It is to ensure the development of our country, our homeland, in unity and solidarity, to make it grow even more, and to ensure that it remains everlasting.”
In his message published on November 10, President Güngör stated, “The greatest characteristic that made Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk a leader and commander who left a mark on history is his infinite trust and faith in his nation. Just as we have shown at every opportunity that we will protect this heavenly homeland no matter what, as descendants and children of the Ottoman, Seljuk, and the Republic, we will continue to uphold our values, our state, our homeland, our flag, and our call to prayer. With these feelings and thoughts, on the 86th anniversary of his eternal passing, I once again remember the founder of our Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, his comrades-in-arms, and all our heroes who selflessly became martyrs and veterans for our homeland with mercy and gratitude.”