A prosthetic hand was made using 3D printing at a high school in the foothills of Batman.

The teachers and students of the Anatolian high school located in the foothills of the 3,000-meter-high mountains in the Sason district of Batman are becoming a hope for amputees with the mechanical prosthetic hand they created through 3D printing. The design skills program established in high schools by the Ministry of National Education …

A prosthetic hand was made using 3D printing at a high school in the foothills of Batman.
Publish: 08.11.2024

Teachers and students of the Anatolian high school at the foot of the 3,000-meter-high Mereto Mountain in Batman’s Sason district are becoming a beacon of hope for amputees with the mechanical prosthetic hand they created using 3D printing.

Under the leadership of visual arts teacher Ahmet Avcı, a prosthetic hand was made in the workshop of Batman Sason Anatolian High School, one of the design skill workshops established in high schools by the Ministry of National Education. Sason District National Education Director Kamuran Aldemir stated that the hand created is also a social responsibility project, saying, “This beautiful work has been carried out by the teachers and students of Sason Anatolian High School. This project, specifically aimed at citizens who have lost limbs, is also a social responsibility initiative. If it is further developed, it can be easily used by anyone who is amputated.”

“A very low-cost, highly functional prosthetic hand was made”

Uğur Taşkın, the deputy principal of the Anatolian high school, stated that the prosthetic hand made at the school was created with very low costs, saying, “Under the leadership of visual arts teacher Ahmet Avcı, our students and teachers made a prosthetic hand. They produced this with very little cost. The robotic hand can easily perform basic functions. It can open a door as well as hold a tea glass comfortably. This is a social project aimed at helping disadvantaged disabled individuals who have undergone amputations and at the same time enhancing our students’ skills and sensitivity. In the future, we aim to develop it into a mechanical robotic hand so that citizens can benefit from it even more.”

The prosthetic hand made with 3D printing at the school located at the foot of Mereto Mountain at an altitude of 3,000 meters in Sason provides convenience for amputees in their daily tasks.

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