In Denizli, 1,158 dialysis patients are waiting for transportation.

In a statement made on the occasion of the Organ Donation Week from November 3 to 9, Provincial Health Director Uz. Dr. Berna Öztürk noted that despite all the efforts, the donation rates remain low. Dr. Öztürk mentioned that there are 1,158 dialysis patients in Denizli.

In Denizli, 1,158 dialysis patients are waiting for transportation.
Publish: 06.11.2024

With the statements made by Provincial Health Director Uz. Dr. Berna Öztürk on the occasion of the Organ Donation Week from November 3 to 9, it was noted that despite all the efforts, the donation rates remain low. Uz. Dr. Öztürk stated that there are 1,158 dialysis patients in Denizli and mentioned that of the 28 brain deaths that occurred in 2024, 10 resulted in organ donations.

As part of the “Every Donation is a New Life Project” initiated by the Denizli Provincial Health Directorate in 2019, the number of people who donated organs in Denizli has reached 28,575. Uz. Dr. Berna Öztürk thanked all citizens who donated and called again for organ donation within the framework of the Organ Donation Week from November 3 to 9. Expressing that despite all the efforts made for organ donation, the donation rates are low, Uz. Dr. Berna Öztürk said, “Our patients, whose treatment is only possible through organ donation, are losing their lives without regaining their health. We need to increase the rates of organ donations and the number of organ transplants so that these patients can regain their health. To raise awareness about organ donation in Denizli, to explain the importance of the issue to the citizens, and to be a hope for patients waiting for organs by increasing the number of donors, we launched the Every Donation is a New Life project in 2019. Our people in Denizli did not remain indifferent to the project, and so far, a total of 28,575 people have donated organs. We never see this number as sufficient. Our main goal is to increase the number of brain death detections, cadaver organ donations, and living organ donations in Denizli. I invite all citizens who have not donated organs to donate once again,” she said.

There are 1,158 dialysis patients in Denizli

Addressing the number of patients waiting for organs in Turkey and Denizli, Denizli Provincial Health Director Uz. Dr. Berna Öztürk stated, “Approximately 34,000 people are waiting for organs in Turkey. We have 1,158 dialysis patients in Denizli. Again, looking at the 2024 data, while there were 1,496 brain deaths in Turkey, 266 donors were obtained; in Denizli, this number was 10 for 28 brain deaths in 2024. In our country, heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, bone and bone marrow, lung, small intestine, heart valve, cornea, arm, and skin transplants can be performed. According to the law, anyone over the age of 18 and mentally competent can donate all or part of their organs. We are waiting for our citizens in Denizli to donate their organs at our directorate, public, university, and private hospitals, District Health Directorates, Community Health Centers, and organ donation booths set up by our healthcare workers. Remember, the one waiting for an organ could be us or our loved ones. So come, save a life by donating.

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