A cooperation protocol has been signed between the Provincial Directorate of National Education and TEI.

The protocol prepared to train technical human resources who know and can apply new technologies needed for the production and maintenance services of the aviation industry in Eskişehir was signed with the participation of Governor Hüseyin Aksoy and the Provincial Directorate of National Education.

A cooperation protocol has been signed between the Provincial Directorate of National Education and TEI.
Publish: 06.11.2024

The protocol prepared to train technical personnel who know and can apply new technologies required for the production and maintenance services of the aviation industry was signed between the Provincial Directorate of National Education and TEI with the participation of Governor Hüseyin Aksoy in Eskişehir.

The signing ceremony of the Dual Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol prepared between the Eskişehir Provincial Directorate of National Education and TEI began with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem. During the program, officials from the Provincial Directorate of National Education and TEI made presentations to inform about the project.

The protocol was signed within the framework of the cooperation made between the school where vocational training center programs affiliated with the Provincial Directorate of National Education are implemented and TEI, aimed at training technical personnel who know and can apply new technologies required for the production and maintenance services of the aviation industry.

“We are providing opportunities for our students to be trained in the best way”

Speaking at the event, Governor Aksoy stated, “This protocol is a significant step towards providing students with work experience by collaborating with the industry in vocational education and training them as technical personnel suitable for the aviation industry. Such collaborations will significantly contribute to the development of both our industry and our education system. We value vocational education and are working to bring it to a better point. Areas of need are being supported in cooperation with our Chamber of Industry in Eskişehir. In the vocational education workshop we held last year, we came together with all stakeholders to identify what needs to be done. Our goal is to encourage our youth to prefer vocational high schools and to guide them towards areas where they can find jobs immediately after graduation. We are providing opportunities for our students to be trained in the best way in collaboration with the Presidency of Defense Industry and other industrial organizations. In this regard, I wish that the protocol will be beneficial for our education community, TEI, and Eskişehir,” he said.

After the speeches, Hüseyin Aksoy, Provincial Director of National Education Sinan Aydın, and TEI General Manager Prof. Dr. Mahmut Faruk Akşit signed the prepared protocol. Under the protocol, starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, a commission created with the participation of company representatives, school administrators, and field teachers will select 15 students from among those continuing to the 9th grade. The middle school success score will be taken into account for students in the Anadolu Vocational Program, while the scores obtained in the High School Entrance Exam will be considered for students in the Anadolu Technical Program. It was learned that students who successfully complete their field/branch training will be given priority for employment in the company, within the limits of the available opportunities.

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