The ‘Heroic Women of the National Struggle’ took place in the historical building.
The “Payidar” exhibition and fashion show, prepared from the collections of the maturation institutes affiliated with the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning, was held in the Exhibition Hall of the Erzurum Congress Building with the participation of Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin. Minister of National Education …

The “Payidar” exhibition and fashion show, prepared from the collections of the maturity institutes affiliated with the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning, was held at the Erzurum Congress Hall Exhibition Hall with the participation of Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin.
Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin attended the congresses held by the AK Party in the İspir and Pazaryolu districts of Erzurum as part of his program and then watched the fashion show named ‘Payidar’, prepared from the collections produced at the Maturity Institutes connected to the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of National Education, at the Erzurum Congress Hall, which is an important milestone on the road to the Republic. The fashion show was attended by Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, AK Party Erzurum Deputy Fatma Öncü, Erzurum Metropolitan Mayor Mehmet Sekmen, AK Party Provincial Chairman İbrahim Küçükoğlu, and other guests, featuring outfits worn by heroic women and costumes of Atatürk. The show, which reflected the spirit of the national struggle, concluded with a finale featuring a young girl and a young man holding the Turkish flag. Meanwhile, during the fashion show organized by the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning, a piano concert was performed by Raci Alkır Fine Arts High School student, the specially talented “Absolute Ear” Ali Ensar Yıldırım, which was greatly appreciated by the audience. Additionally, a violin and cello recital was performed by students from the same school. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the Republic, costumes of the heroic women of the War of Independence and Atatürk were designed by master instructors and students at institutes across the country to preserve traditional Turkish arts and pass on the national identity to future generations, and were presented to the attendees in a fashion show. At the end of the show, Minister Tekin stated that it is everyone’s duty to uphold the culture of their ancestors, emphasizing that the Ministry of National Education holds an important position in passing culture and history on to future generations. Tekin mentioned that, in addition to written educational materials and educational programs, various activities are carried out, stating, “What we want to do with the Turkey Century Education model is actually this. To uphold these values, to protect these values, to reflect these values to future generations. We are certainly not doing this only in our educational programs. We are doing this through activities such as culture and art.”
Minister Tekin: “We are upholding our values with the Turkey Century education model”
Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin expressed the excitement of being in a historical place, stating, “It is our duty to uphold our ancestors, our history, our culture, our civilizational values, the wisdom of Anatolia, and the culture of Anatolia that entrusted us with these lands through our struggle for liberation that led to the Republic. Within this duty, the greatest burden undoubtedly falls on the Ministry of National Education. As the Ministry of National Education, we are making many efforts to fulfill this duty properly and will continue to do so. Our effort is not only to inscribe these values into our educational programs through written educational materials but also to update our educational programs to include these values so that future generations can be equipped with these values. What we want to do with the Turkey Century education model is actually to uphold these values, to protect these values, and to reflect these values to future generations. We hope you have enjoyed this fashion show that we have presented to you in Erzurum. Perhaps Erzurum is one of the most meaningful cities where this fashion show can be showcased. I would also like to thank our student brothers and sisters who voluntarily acted like professional models during this show. The materials used in this fashion show are registered materials in the inventory of the maturity institutions. I thank you all until we meet again at another event related to cultural, artistic, or educational activities organized by our Ministry.”
From November 3 to November 15, it awaits curious visitors
After Minister Tekin’s speech, the PAYİDAR exhibition at the Erzurum Congress Hall was visited. In a statement regarding the PAYİDAR exhibition, it was said, “In the 101st year of our Republic’s establishment, we meet you here in this meaningful and important place with a selection from the collections produced by the Maturity Institutes, which are affiliated with the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of National Education. As an institution entering its 80th year, the Maturity Institutes continue their educational and teaching life under headings such as traditional culture of our country, the continuity of national history, art and craft structures, and the importance of master-apprentice relationships. Today, we have organized this exhibition titled PAYİDAR with a special selection on the themes of National Struggle and the Republic, produced in the workshops of these rooted institutions. We chose the title of our exhibition based on the common value of “This homeland will remain eternal”. We are with you with a special exhibition where the Heroic Women of the National Struggle, Atatürk costumes, and the artistic works of our Institute workshops are presented together. Our exhibition will meet with the valuable people of Erzurum from November 3 to November 15 at the Exhibition Hall of the Erzurum Congress Building, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.”