Local authors meet with their readers at the Book Fair.
The Antalya Book Fair, hosted by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, is being held for the 14th time this year, providing local writers the opportunity to meet with their readers. Under the motto “Being Human”, hosted by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, this year marks the 14th edition of the event.

This year, the 14th Antalya Book Fair, hosted by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, provides local authors the opportunity to meet with their readers.
The Antalya Book Fair, held under the motto “Being Human” and hosted by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, has attracted the interest of book lovers on its 8th day. The fair, which takes place at the Glass Pyramid Fair and Congress Center, welcomes many book lovers from all age groups. Book lovers have the chance to purchase books that interest them and get them signed by their favorite authors. In addition to national authors, local writers and poets also have the opportunity to introduce their works and sign them for their readers at the fair.
Local authors at the fair
Local writers and poets expressed their gratitude to the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality for providing the opportunity to meet with citizens and shared their happiness about signing their books. At the fair, the Antalya Poets, Minstrels, Writers, and Composers Cultural Association (ANŞOYAD), Antalya Artists Association (ANSAN), Akdeniz University, the Moscow Government, and some cultural and artistic institutions also set up promotional stands for their writer-poet members.
Both the host and the author
The Mayor of Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, Muhittin Böcek, who hosts the book fair, also met with citizens. He signed his books “I Love This City” and “Second Life; Politics and Betrayal,” and chatted with citizens, taking photos with those who love him. Mayor Böcek thanked the citizens and the participating authors for their contributions to the fair.
It will continue until November 3
On the 8th day of the 14th Antalya Book Fair, Fatih Tuncay, Hidayet Karakuş, Burcu Bahar, Muzaffer Özgüleş, Dr. Murat Kemaloğlu, Musa Fırat, and Anooshirvan Miandji met with book lovers throughout the day and signed their books. The 14th Antalya Book Fair will continue at the Glass Pyramid Fair and Congress Center until November 3.